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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by vbov

  1. Hey everyone, this is the last note i will do on this exploit,

    this shall not be patched and you might ask me why i changed my mind?

    after more testing you cannot raid bases with this unless the base has small little cracks so you can just fly in which most bases don't have those.

    aswell you cannot shoot guns because you will shoot yourself, same with any melee im unsure how i did it one time with the bludgeon and hit hobo dad (i was testing with hobo dad the exploit).

    the only weapons you can use with this "exploit" are grenades,sbc cannon (mostly explosives) which in the time of using them you can kill yourself easily. 

    this exploit is funny and everything so i think it shall stay in, unless people find a way to use guns and go throught props but untill that this exploit shall not be patched.


    Message from Rubik (Co-Owner,Dev): It’s prob not allowed if it allows you to fly into peoples bases and stuff or if u can do damage while flying


    1. It cannot allow you to fly into peoples bases 

    2.The only way you can do damage while flying is by using explosives which most likely will get you killed


    Theres one problem with this exploit is that you can use explosives to do damage and at the same time HIGH ammount of damage 

    but anything else then that is ok


    Im unsure if this will get patched because of this report or not.





  2. 3 minutes ago, 1-800-Suicide said:

    sticky grenading through walls was considered an exploit for some time aswell, but since its better and more fun to have it exist its not fixed. you cant use disguise swep in raids anyways (example being picked up and launched in doesnt use this and not allowed) + you can literally damage the disguised person with 1 point of damage from anything to take them out of the disguise.

    anything that can be misused should be banned with your logic. what if someone misuses an sbc cannon? do we remove sbc cannon? what if someone is misusing the arrest baton? should arrest batons be removed aswell?


    keep fun in the video game ✊


    edit also every time anything with raid is mentioned 58 people who never raid in their life come out of the woodworks talking

    i understand but is it fun when a guy can just be a flying prop and have a sbc cannon and massrdm?

    (yes me and shoebill tried to see if it works with a sbc cannon and it works better than any OTHER WEAPON )

    disguised guy  flying with sb cannon Image result for gigachad Funny Profile Pictures, Funny Reaction Pictures, Funny Pictures, Chad Image, I Know You Know, Meme Template, Muscle Men, Really Funny, Just In Case EZ

  3. 8 minutes ago, The Worst Dad said:

    If this remains purely for use on Aliens(or other Weird category jobs), who can not currently raid, I do not personally mind it. Yes, you can damage people while flying around the map, but then they can just kill you. And if you block a door, they'll just gravgun you across the map. It's a relatively harmless thing right now, just flying around the map as a prop. Sure, there's concern for it being exploitable for things like raiding. But at that point, it's just as easy to punish those using it that way. I'd rather not see harmless fun ruined by potential abuse. When the abusers can be easily dealt with.

    you can have disguise swep on ccs + in your inventory 😛 and its NOT RARE ITS SO common i would know cuz i have 20 of them,

    also punish them for breaking?.... what rule if their raiding?....

    btw "but then they can just kill you" its like you cannot kill them first.

    if we had a rule to punish the abusers then YEAH WHY NOT KEEP THIS SHIT IN ITS FUNNY AS FUCK but when we don't have one ?????

  4. 5 minutes ago, 1-800-Suicide said:



    dont fix this prop hunt printer is too fun + theres no way to abuse this

    theres not ONE way theres SO MANY WAYS THAT IT WILL TAKE ME ABOUT 30minutes to TYPE EM ALL,


     i understand its fun and allat but someone will use it for bad and then what the fuck we ban them for? PROP MINGE? 

    Example if we punish them for prop minge because of this exploit (yes its a exploit for fucks sake) ; Player on titsrp: Another mod i think terrry and Agro said its not prop minge EITHER entity abuse



    Example if we punish them for exploiting because of this EXPLOIT (yes its a exploit for fucks sake); The player that got in trouble for using it to raid/do some other bad act: WHY DO YOU GUYS NOT FIX IT THEN ?!?!?!?!

    then what the fuck we do?


  5. 12 minutes ago, wolf2297 said:

    Ive seen admins do it, when I asked them abt it quote."its not a prop or entity minge because its a player, just disguised as a entity". Still total bs tho


    Even if its not PROP or entity MINGE, ITS A EXPLOIT!! ITS A FUCKING EXPLOIT!!

    • Like 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, vbov said:






    So this day i was walking around as a citizen and rushing to do the battlepass at the corner of my eye i see a prop flying not thinking much about it, afterwards when i stop rushing so much to do the battlepass i see the same prop flying by gravity gun following it, and i wonder how the fuck to do that. i teleported the player and i asked him and this is what he told me on how to reproduce it, and from my testing it works.

    How to reproduce:

    1.become the alien with a disguise swep (Alien race)
    2.get a prop (models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl idk if others work) and disguise and quickly change to another swep (preferably the gravity gun) and punt yourself
    3. if you switch to any other swep like fists etc you can fly by pressing e on your prop while looking down at it

    From the player i also heard, this is thing has been here for the past week and admins are doing it, idk if thats a lie but still.

    Quick note: To fix this, make it so you cannot switch weapons while disguising 😄





    Another note: apparently you can bludgeon people when you are in a prop, i found this out while testing with hobo dad. after trying to replicate it more times we couldn't get it to work the proccess is the same but you switch to bludgeon swep and try to hit the person but idk how i got to hit him because after that i couldn't anymore.



    Another NOTE (wtf): you can do the same thing as a bludgeon but with guns and shoot people very cool 😄 ( i mean bad )

  7. Category:





    So this day i was walking around as a citizen and rushing to do the battlepass at the corner of my eye i see a prop flying not thinking much about it, afterwards when i stop rushing so much to do the battlepass i see the same prop flying by gravity gun following it, and i wonder how the fuck to do that. i teleported the player and i asked him and this is what he told me on how to reproduce it, and from my testing it works.

    How to reproduce:

    1.become the alien with a disguise swep (Alien race)
    2.get a prop (models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl idk if others work) and disguise and quickly change to another swep by using your numbers "1,2,3,4,5..." (preferably change to the gravity gun) and punt yourself or grab yourself
    3. if you switch to any other swep like fists etc you can fly by pressing e on your prop while looking down at it (aka grabbing it but without using your gravity gun)

    From the player i also heard, this is thing has been here for the past week and admins are doing it, idk if thats a lie but still.



    also if it no worky don't use lastinv. like don't use your bind that has lastinv to check which key has lastinv do key_listboundkeys in console

    • Thanks 1
  8. new exploit

    holding ctrl and then pressing alt on any props/floor and stop holding ctrl and pressing alt should make your viewmodel to go into a bugged state and it will be down at your feet and you can shoot from there your bullets will go from your legs


    to fix this you need the gang perk /size

    if you have it this is the fix : 

    go as any sizeable class and type /size .5 and hit anyone in spawn it should fix your viewmodel 😄


  9. Category:





    these bugs/exploits are listed like :
    Fast brick
    CC lazy dev
    Flying brick

    How to reproduce:

    First of all lets talk about fast brick.
    if you get a wow brick from any lootcrate and throw it once it will act normally but after you threw it once its gonna be more faster for the second/third... etc throws

    Gulliotine :
    models/props_junk/sawblade001a.mdl this prop can do LETHAL damage now your gonna wonder why did i call it gulliotine? (Answer: i made a gulliotine for it before this)
    to replicate is just to spawn it in and put it above the player you wanna bonk and put it more up like 3,4 cm and drop it also theres a limit on the height and different heights/drops decide the damage

    CC Lazy dev :
    so you cannt name your cc Hobo for an example but you can do /job Hobo which is weird the reason i named it like this cuz i think the guy was lazy to make it work with ! etc ig.

    Flying brick :
    to replicate you gotta throw a brick and catch it mid air and when you drop it gently on someone it will do its max damage and might kill them depends if they have armor

    here idk wat to put but if ya need demos i can put it later here, just tell me.

    • thumbdown -1 1
  10. hi there, it is i vbov. 

    yall probably known me for just being active in ooc and thats it ig 

    there's aint alot to know about me but ye im just here to enjoy my free time

    and thaz it bye.

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