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bugman last won the day on July 13

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  1. I'm not 100% sure comm removals/ 6 months have to do with staffing ability. If someone being banned(for any length of time) has to do with their staffing then they will be staff banned or denied staff when they apply.
  2. bugman

    Close My Account

    cant wait for you to come back in a week, dont let the door hit you on the way out!
  3. The server is meant to be fun, not serious RP, being dragged to PD every minute over a $500 fine is cancer and not fun
  4. This isnt a realistic RP server, if you want to book them use the arrest feature built into the server, otherwise fine and move on
  5. small bases arent viable because of the titsrp raiding system, not because of doors or windows or whatever else. Still think more unbreakable windows could be nice
  6. Seems kinda basic, but was there consistently a mayor for long enough to get the demands to pop up?
  7. add more drugs that are good for something other than selling, i.e. adrenaline damage reduction could be added but thats something thats already plentiful in the server and realistically a pretty toxic feature gameplay wise.
  8. https://discord.com/channels/247434867527122945/1114356580721381396
  9. add basewars raiding with a giant ticking timer in the corner of your screen
  10. I think this is the real issue. If someone kills someone right as they are exiting a base with ents, and then immediately is added to the doors or joins the party, then gives the base back their ents, its obvious that it is loopholing. Idk about now but historically staff refuse to punish any loopholing that the player didnt directly admit to to avoid having forums posts made or dealing with higher ups
  11. Player comes back from not playing for a month and breaks an "unwritten rule" again despite not remembering it exist cause its obscure and quite frankly retarded, and is now banned for it lololol(we need more of this for sure) In the current state unwritten rules are just an excuse to punish people you dislike and a reason to not punish those you like
  12. this has been an issue hope this helps
  13. you are such a silly billy
  14. actually i was gonna flame but you make some good points, namely this, a lot of players(both new and old) cry about how people utilize features to get them changed, without even giving a way to make it better, just complaining saying "erm this needs to be changed cause i dont like it." If you don't like a system then either find a way to work around it, or put up suggestions to actually fix it instead of perma flooding forums and discord with crybaby posts
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