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EpicWafflehouse last won the day on December 22 2023

EpicWafflehouse had the most liked content!



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  1. I ate it, I am sorry If you don’t get your money back let me know I can spot you 5 mil
  2. Don’t know if I will be able to top that run. but I can try
  3. Hello again bird racers! i am back once again to update my time with a 25.966
  4. HELLO ONCE AGAIN! i am here to update my time 29.900 is now my best run im watching youtube while doing this so thats what you hear in the backround
  5. Hello again! i am here to post my improvement on my time new personal best 32.083
  6. Hello Spartan! here is my submission to bird race! it just uploaded so give it like 5 minutes and it will be off of potato quality
  7. I think because it was being abused a lot, and people were just dragging drama into it and insulting each other
  8. Good morning or evening everybody depending on when you read this, as 2023 is officially coming to a close I wanted to open up a little discussion for people to share their favorite moment or event that happened this year within the TITSRP community and maybe tell us a little bit about the moment. Just kind of like a year in review for the server. Please keep the response as positive as well, I would like to keep as much drama out of here as possible and just reflect on Good Times people had I hope all of you have had a good year overall, I know this year was filled with a lot of crazy things that happen and I'm sure next year will be no different and I hope all of you have a good year going forward and I wish all of you the best Thank you Kdawg and Rubik and everyone else who works on the server for keeping things running and making good content for us Happy new years everyone! ~Waffle
  9. Sorry to hear that Sae, I know the holidays are tough for a lot of people. I hope you are ok
  10. Happy holidays to everyone! If you are traveling this weekend I hope you have safe travels and a good Christmas! stay safe out there and make good decisions
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