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BrokenDown last won the day on October 21 2023

BrokenDown had the most liked content!

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  1. It was not that he trained me, its that he raided me 5 times every 20 minutes, then after the 5th raid he waited 5 minutes before summoning a train as picolas cage
  2. Everyone on the server been in the same position, but I just played the server and did something other than trying to base for example, I went in to the RDM and go more familiar with the gun skill and the types of players there are, instead of getting shit on and not trying to get better, I put my keyboard at a 120 degree angle and got in the training grounds. You have yet to have the Terrry, Etho, Silver, Smer, Ember, Saiah, Wanted, Tene, Jack, Piklas, perma raid you all day treatment, if you did you would not even think to say mine or spazz's name when it comes to who "runs" this server.
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