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SCP 343


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by SCP 343

  1. this only happens with the ak beast swep #officialscp343post
  2. why did you make all your info public as a furry porn artist...

  3. old bans wont affect your chances that much but avoid "causing drama" or telling people you know to kill themselves (they dont want that)
  4. erm i dont know who the f this person is
  5. not a fan of the ban first discuss later trend! also some staff should consider proof reading their posts before replying!
  6. Hello Guys. I have resigned from SMOD position. Let us talk about our feelings on what's currently happening on the server.
  7. true and shooting at a cop should make you instantly teleport to jail
  8. do you guys like kanye west
  9. you kind of weird for this post
  10. delete your account bro
  11. I like a lot of these ideas, especially the Bank Manager one. Currently, I don't see the use for the job, so it would be cool to see the Bank Manager be able to do stuff. +1
  12. titsrp players are on the no-play list on icefuse. join it and you will be shot irl
  13. SCP 343

    Add Piss SWEP

    now we need the random chance of getting a UTI where you die if you try to use the piss swep
  14. happy birthday to awesome minionator. all grutards SUCK MY DICK!
  15. why your game look like valheim
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