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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Wow viscus i like those ideas a lot. I would also be willing to donate for some cool new scripts to be implemented whenever Sugar gets around to it as well! contact me on discord and we can work something out! =)

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The ability to freeze processors - even if they aren't your own. Perhaps like a command like /freezeprocessor or something. (Processors interacting with props causes lags... an unbearable amount, that's why this is important.. This happens a lot)


Nocolide entities from processors if they touch. Causes lag. Ask Walter.




An increase to the proplimit. I know you're obsessed with decreasing the lag - but only like 15-30 more or so would do. This is important because base defense on this server requires a lot of props, and certain bases are very hard to defend and often go unused because of the current prop limit.


A removal of the motd rule "DO NOT Do Violent Thefts (Ex. Player A shoots and kills player B because they are holding a printer P.S. Just try to take it with a gravgun or something don't kill them on sight)" 


I think this rule is the biggest goof. For starters - when raiding a base the main purpose of this THEFT is to take things VIOLENTLY, this rule literally means you can't kill people in a raid. (obviously not intended but.. still 'Don't do violent theft') if a player is running off with a printer grav gunned, you should be able to kill him, just like you would during a raid... No one follows this rule, and I understand the intention of not wanting people to get rdm'd for carrying things and giving people a loophole of "I shot him to take his entity" or "Oh I thought he had an entity" But please. 

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The ability to freeze processors - even if they aren't your own. Perhaps like a command like /freezeprocessor or something. (Processors interacting with props causes lags... an unbearable amount, that's why this is important.. This happens a lot)


Nocolide entities from processors if they touch. Causes lag. Ask Walter.




An increase to the proplimit. I know you're obsessed with decreasing the lag - but only like 15-30 more or so would do. This is important because base defense on this server requires a lot of props, and certain bases are very hard to defend and often go unused because of the current prop limit.


A removal of the motd rule "DO NOT Do Violent Thefts (Ex. Player A shoots and kills player B because they are holding a printer P.S. Just try to take it with a gravgun or something don't kill them on sight)" 


I think this rule is the biggest goof. For starters - when raiding a base the main purpose of this THEFT is to take things VIOLENTLY, this rule literally means you can't kill people in a raid. (obviously not intended but.. still 'Don't do violent theft') if a player is running off with a printer grav gunned, you should be able to kill him, just like you would during a raid... No one follows this rule, and I understand the intention of not wanting people to get rdm'd for carrying things and giving people a loophole of "I shot him to take his entity" or "Oh I thought he had an entity" But please. 


Yes.. Please Make us be able to freeze processors. Not having them frozen causes so much lag and so much cancer when dealing with them. Make it so you can freeze other processors even if the players arent online and are disconnected.

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With the new map make it so if you die you lose money in your "pocket" you must deposit money in the bank to keep it safe. 

also if someone robs the bank everyone loses a small percent of their money and gets notified that some is robbing the bank. Everyone pitch in to stop them.

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With the new map make it so if you die you lose money in your "pocket" you must deposit money in the bank to keep it safe. 

also if someone robs the bank everyone loses a small percent of their money and gets notified that some is robbing the bank. Everyone pitch in to stop them.

e v o c i t y 2 . 0

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Here's some more interesting things for police. I enjoy police roleplay more then I do other roleplay. It's like being a moderator, but actually doing something. (I joke.)


https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4315/2155xs-police-armory - Adds an armory to the police station. Allows police to withdraw weapons. Also has money in there as well. Robbers can raid this and steal the weapons and get shipments.


https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2828/update-advanced-government-computer-mayor-police-agc - Sort of a record keeping thing. Shows how many times players have been arrested, citizens can make complaints, etc.


The cool thing is, is that hackers can hack the computer and add warrants / remove warrants etc.


https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2026 - Police bation. Pretty sure you could make this on your own though. Combines the unarrest / stunstick / arrest stick in want. Also adds a quick warrant option as well. (Looking at door ways, etc).


https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/1203/judge-police-report-system - For the overhaul of judge gaben. Player goes to jail, police makes report. Player gets teleported to the court room. Judge decides the penalty / fine.



I'd even be up for buying some of them for you if you'd want them.


I'm trying to find the stat system still, it's pretty cool. 



I think police officers *should* make more money or have alternatives to making money. People buying stuff from the PD and fining is cool and everything. Playing police is great, but if I want to make a custom class, I might as well do something else.


Also note - the lawyer / k9 in game says nothing about being able to bond people out or sniff drugs. I didn't even know about that until you said it.


I like this guy. the first one is overkill I think but the rest sound awesome

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Now that we have a fishing system, RaceOpone (or NINJ4BOY) thought about having an actual Fisherman NPC.


Description of it: Once you have caught a fish, you can sell it for however large or rare the fish is. 


It could be near the docks or sand area of the new map. Of course he had a lot more detail of what he would think it should be like. But however it works I think it could be something interesting. It gives you more a chance to create more other types of fish for the server as well. For example: Sugar Fish - $5,000 - Extremely rare.


Also a short description of the fish while you are selling the fish could be another cool idea. Like origin or how rare it is. Just a thought, but the idea of it seems cool in my opinion since Fishing is apart of the gang update. 


Could be a rank in category of the fish as well.


  • Small Fry, Whopper, etc.

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Rule suggestion.


Cultist have to sacrifice their victims.


In the job desc it says to sacrifice,  as of right now I have been kidnapped multiple times by cultist and placed in a room. Only way to get out is sit there for 10 years and suicide. Technically, right now them not sacrificing is fail rp.

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