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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by AflictoGaming

  1. Right now that's broke and wont show up a lot of the time when you get weapon checked.
  2. you know to use this in a ban appeal you would need either video proof or a screenshot of him saying it
  3. I was just meaning for in game lol but alright
  4. Did you use to go by a diff name?
  5. Just saying but they can’t make any part of the lobby kos unless the mayor makes a law for it. Alright I’m out peace.
  6. That doesn't really give a good answer on why you should be able to. If we allowed anyone to kill someone who mugs, shoots someone, or kiss someone then we will have problems everywhere. So first for the kissing one. When you get kissed you are given more health back and aren't actually losing anything but we still allow the person it happens to, to kill the one who did it. There is no need for some random to be able to do this. If we allowed people to just kill someone for shooting someone then basically everyone will be killing each other and it will legit just be rdm everywhere. You haven't given any good points as to why we should allow this How would allowing this happen help the server?
  7. Doesn't seem to be against the rules and doesn't seem to be causing drama. All i see is someone trying to see what the other players think.
  8. I wasn't even aware this job had a disguise swep
  9. You can make a ban appeal but you can not buy a unban sorry to tell you
  10. it was just above 80 yesterday sooooooo. RN its at 70 players as well
  11. Most of the time the server is filled with 80 or more players so not really sure what you on about. Like rn it has 82 players on
  12. if you have been cheating since day one then how did you still suck?
  13. Do you plan on doing things differently from now on?
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