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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by AflictoGaming

  1. I will like to say Dev was asking people to -rep him with a advert. He kept doing it.
  2. I have been here since the server started and no it has not always been like it is now. I wont say if things are good or bad but it has not always been like this.
  3. Nah if its a rule then it needs to be written cause how is anyone supposed to know that when it was never a thing before. Everyone knows that's crap and if its going to be a rule then it needs to be written and not thrown around with this its a "unwritten rule".
  4. Wait you have to advert every time you use c4 to raid now?
  5. Look Ik it’s not perfect but there isn’t a lot that can be done about it Hex. Yea it would be great if everyone could get along and have fun but that’s sadly not possible on this server or any others. Some things can be done but not all can. I’m sorry it’s just how the world is
  6. Look it’s great that your trying to help and all but people are going to do it no matter what is done and sadly staff can’t get them all. If you truly don’t like what’s going on while online then I may suggest getting off the game for a bit to calm down cause no one is forced to play the game or get online
  7. funny enough legit the same thing im doing lol
  8. If they did that for you they would have to do it for everyone
  9. Yea that doesn't sound like a good idea at all. I like to be bale to hear whats going on and not having someone screaming next to me. That crap was horrible back then and it would be even worse now
  10. any time someone is driving a vehicle like people do all the time on the server
  11. Yep 93 is way to long lol. Nah i thought the stuff in ( was apart of the law. read it wrong
  12. Only problem with that is you cant make a law that long. So they would have to add that as a 2nd law taking up more law spaces. Unless it could be made where you can make the laws longer
  13. Jaywalking: "cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic." Walking in the street in general is considered jaywalking but I can agree it def is annoying to be arrested for steeping out on it for less then a second. So it would be good to get more clarification on it
  14. Ok so you don't know what it means. that's concern one. do you even know why you want it KOS?
  15. Bump. Like this would still be a good job to add
  16. There's a lot that can be done with this Job. Plus it would add a new job for everyone to try out and have some fun
  17. It makes sense to do. Other jobs do the same thing basically so I don't see why batman doesn't either
  18. and hell if we need a model if we were to go with the joker then this one works fine https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=400762901
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