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Force Drop

Lil' Pudin' Taters

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I feel Force Drop should be either removed or nerfed, here's why...
-The action of Force Drop alone is poison to newer players.
-There is absolutely no way to prevent a player from doing Force Drop other than having a friend Force Drop the player and then give the player their item back. Which lowkey sounds like failrp.
-Players quite literally have to go through extra effort to piece out their inventory just so that if a player is force dropped, entire shipments of stuff isn't dropped. Piecing out the inventory reduces the risk of being hurt by a force drop action, but that effort of piecing out an inventory shouldn't be needed for what is the single threat of force drop.
-After a player gets force dropped and their inventory item taken, there is no possible way for the player to get that item back other than to barter for the item back, or counter force drop and hope for the very slim chance they item the player lost is then dropped.

I feel Force Drop should be outright removed and all gangs given a choice to pick a different talent. If the only option is to nerf Force Drop here's ideas on how to make it more reasonable...
-Make the Force Drop action similar to a lock picking action, where it is obvious to observing players what is happening and force drop is no longer an action that is instant. This would make the action of Force Drop at least preventable.
-Make Force Drop never drop entire shipments but rather 1 of a stack of shipments. This would reduce the risk of being force dropped and losing a lot, and players would no longer need to piece out their inventory.

To justify any bias here, I've never been forced dropped severely, but I have seen other people get hurt badly by force dropped. I once witnessed a guy lose an entire shipment of 400+ metal and another guy lose a shipment of blowtorches.

Thank you,

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The point of force drop is to be able to steal items from players inventories especially richer players who could own more than enough items that any old or newer player can steal if your gang owns it (Which any new player can join). Changing it to a lockpicking action destroys it as it is a take/drop not a pickpocket. It would also be easier to kill bait people since you could fake a force take lockpick and when they shoot you can kill them, or for the majority of the time for new/old players they have to hope to god they are afk.

There are ways to get your items back after being force taken, i know for a fact since i bought back an item force taken from me which any player can do. Just don't be stupid and let yourself be force taken and it also encourages people to not just be on their cc's 24/7 since they are always at risk of being force taken no matter what. Piecing out your inventory to hinder force drops is something you should be doing, and the force dropping is random it isn't like you can pick what you want to take out. Force drop isnt just poison to newer players as older/richer players can have their best weapon stolen or all their c4 taken away.

At the end of it, its just tough shit if you get force taken and its just up to you to find ways to not be then. Ie dont be on your cc 24/7, turn your items into shipments to get some time to kill the person who force taken you, etc. Big old -1

Edited by USN peepoo
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IIRC you can only be forced dropped as a Custom Class. I don't think there are many "new players" with a custom class and by the time you have one you know the risks of AFKing outside of a safe zone. I don't really see this being an issue for new players but I do agree that forcedrop is ass, but maybe that's just because I get triggered hard when it happens to me. Always remember anything that goes in your bank is safe, only keep valuables in your inventory when you're ready to use them. Organizing your inventory + bank and keeping them clean and tidy is one of those things you learn how to do as a veteran player.

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Being on this server for a long time, you can learn a lot. The thing that I learned the most is to not trust anyone with force-drop. I manage my inventory every day to filter out the stuff that goes into the bank. Anyone can force drop you so beware. Most important thin to do is not have anything important in your inv that you value. For example, the basic necessecities like armor or pickup boxes or certain guns or other stuff like that. Keep the stuff that you are going to use in your inventory, everything you don't use that you value put in the bank.


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  • 2 weeks later...
42 minutes ago, ajax5206 said:

I think it's a shitty feature to have players have to juggle items between their inventories and banks because of force drop. Nobody actually avoids playing on their CC that they spent 10s of millions of DarkRP on just because of their fear of force drop happening.

If anything, it's an unnecessary annoyance.

I mean a lot of the time you lose worthless shit, but if people are too lazy to run to their banks to keep super expensive items in then idk how they gonna survive. You can get forcedropped once a day so after that one time you’re good to go

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