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Automatic week ban for total of 15 accumulated warns

David Davidson

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Anyone whose sunk enough hours in DarkRP knows

the pain of getting slapped by some power tripping mod/staffer. 


Most understand that within the small group of people who are actually

retarded dedicated enough to have their gameplay interrupted every 2 minutes to listen to 

someone whine about a supposed rule break exists a smaller subset of players

who like to abuse that power.

Any job where you get to police others is going to draw in people who seek

power, and again these people are ruining their own experience by having it 

interrupted all the time.

There is always high turn over, the decent mods always

get burnt out after a few months and quit.

Shitty staff are a fact of life.

So by making warns accumulate and eventually result in a week ban, you're basically

punishing players who have put a lot of time in to your server instead of the expected

handful who repeatedly break rules.

It wouldn't take much to teach staff to take the time to check a player's warns and bans

to see if they deserve a longer one because of how many/often they get them, but nah,

it's easier to let the report system addon do the work.


Edited by David Davidson
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ive been playing the server for 4 years, i have 25 warns, I know people who have been here longer, actively playing, with less than 10 warns. It is entirely possible to never hit 15 warns

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Played first ever in 2018 was an smod prior. I have 0 warns in-game.


Stop being a dipshit and you won't get warned.


In all seriousness usually if you're respectful in sits and admit when your wrong staff will leave you with a verbal. 

Edited by LeGerbs
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I've been playing since 2017 and have 7 warns and no bans (other than the time Frisco banned me by accident while I was training him for tmod).


It's really not hard to follow the rules.

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