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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jewann

  1. Something that would make more sense would be a gameplay feature: When selecting a job that spawns with illegal weapons, you can choose to spawn without them. This lets you get a license without having to ask for one while possessing illegal weapons already.
  2. These both highlight similar issues. If we make a rule limiting raiding people transporting ents, its very difficult to understand in rp why you cant raid a base when specific conditions are met. likewise, it is currently difficult for raiders to keep track of an arbitrary timer, and literally by design, the rule breaks rp. I think some allowance for extending raid timer while being careful that people can't abuse it to harass base owners would be a good change.
  3. The report on you was denied. You can stop defending yourself now.
  4. How do they not? A raid takeover is just a new raid starting. no. This creates a situation where its impossible for someone trying to take over a raid to know if they are allowed to. Raids should flow well with people using common sense. It already works like this, but I agree the rule should be written more clearly. I think you should be making a bigger point about raid timer, which I think is the least clear and most problem causing rule.
  5. Should we remove sbc cannons because its not fun to be mrdmed by them ever? Sounds like ye old poison salesman vs poisoner question.
  6. How are ppl so bad at speaking??? Just be useful and say what the point of your document is...
  7. As long as the point of this is to get them added to motd, it's fine. No reason to try to make a new document of "unwritten rules" separately official.
  8. The point of an anonymous poll is that the people causing issues will come up naturally. saying "anonymously comment about these 4 specific people" kinda defeats the purpose of the rest of the poll
  9. The people who raid a new player like this are the same people who complain about terry basing. Terry does not raid a new players solo base like this.
  10. Also idk why you are saying this like its a true statement. the rule is meant to make basing more fair and the server less intimidating to new players without jump sweps, and 100% was intended to mean the door is a requirement.
  11. It will not. The way you just explained it pretty much says skybasing is fine.
  12. Jewann

    Buff Procs

    Hello I ran 1 proc and 2 printers for 1 hour and realized that printers are much better currently (yes). The printer made $268,520 darkrp in one hour. The Processor made $74,043 in the same hour. You might say "haha jewann unlucky" processors produce shipments every 300 seconds, which is five minutes. an hour has 3600 seconds in it, 3600/300 = 12 $268,520/12 = $22,376.667 per 5 minutes, or proc shipment. This means the average processor shipment would have to be $22,376.667 just to be equal with printers. Only about 5 items possible to get from processors out of the entire pool ever give this value or greater. My 1 hour processor, as an example, I know there will be some variance with processors, produced an average of $74,043/12 = $6170.25 per shipment. 22376.667/6170.25 = 3.6265 so my processor was generating money 3.6265 times slower than printers. Testing method was buying and instantly turning off printers, buying all upgrades on printers, and a rack, putting both in the rack, buying all upgrades on processor, using proc once and disregarding shipment, and turning on printers at same time to have an equal starting point, constantly collecting from "give me choice" perk processor (always picking higher value item), also shutting printers off at 70C to avoid generating money at depleted rate, and turning back on at 0C. Doing this in any more efficient manner would only create a bigger gap between printers and processors. I started at 7:40, and ended at 8:40. Funny note, printers state that they generate $2,660 per 50 seconds, but they were consistently containing $26,660 per processor shipment which suggests they make $2,660 per 60 seconds, and are making money slower than intended =D. I know ents making money at different rates is fine, but I don't think processors should be this bad. Please ask me any questions you may have Buff processors please. (printers are about 4 times better, processors would need an average shipment price of $22,376.667 to keep up)
  13. maybe just replace ips with unique identifiers
  14. OG has a good amount of community support, and also a lot of people simply don't care. Tene having friends on the staff team wile OG doesn't is not a good reason to uphold OG's ban, especially in an absolute sense. Succ's response does a much better job of highlighting the real differences between the two players, and makes a much better argument for why they should be treated differently, although I do not entirely agree with it. While I do think that OG has done enough to warrant his original ban, I do not think he should be treated as unredeemable, especially if what he is saying about not being told ban conditions upon his unban is true. Anyone who has talked to him recently knows that he's a pretty different person from who he once was, and I would be surprised if he had any toxicity issues if he got unbanned. Literally all this guy does now is say the goofiest things, and play rust 25 hours a day.
  15. let us challenge another player to rps and let declining be an auto ban.
  16. could be a cool enchant if not guaranteed. something like "has a 32.44% chance to be inventoried on death". maybe even "has a 32.44% chance to be inventoried on death but 67.56% chance to be immediately inventoried by your killer". would be interesting to see how it affects the market
  17. of course you would have deeper knowledge of the chess area............
  18. Jewann

    Secret Santa

    cant wait to get abstergo this year... add me
  19. Jewann

    name change

    i think any smod+ can clear the name
  20. jewann 76561198068569488 beat the fuck outta some trick or treaters
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