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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tass

  1. Tass

    stock market

    These are two different things, we want the stock market back were you could actually buy stocks. This is just determining a value on items. The stock market took in data from the actual stock market 5 mins after the stock market opened up and updated the prices accordingly for each stock. The problem was it updated 5 mins after the stock market opened so you could be on when the actual stock market opens and wait till the last minute to see the highest earning stock on open and dump all your money into it to get a free 10 mil. Best fix would be to not allow people to trade at the NPC until it finished updating for the day. Like this: Stocks end the day before 9:30am EST stock market opens up and premarket sales go through All actions at the stock market NPC are blocked until they have updated 9:35am EST stock market npc updates and people can trade stocks accordingly That would be the best fix. If I am correct we suggested before that it be live updates so when a stock updates irl it updates in game but I believe sugar said it would either be too much of a hassle to work out or would put too much strain on the servers resources.
  2. Tass

    stock market

    Free my mans boom boxean and give us back our stock market
  3. #TassForAdmin(again) BOIS LETS FUCKING GO
  4. Or self supply which isn't against the rules
  5. Or if you are on a custom model there are food recipes that can increase or decrease model size for a specific amount of time
  6. You just keep posting dumb stuff so we rep you accordingly to your post you made. I mean, you can bring up my bans i couldn't care any less. :) you could bring up me being a retired admin i also couldn't care any less. :) My ban for pedophilia in ooc like i said wasnt even me saying i diddled or wanted to so have fun. :) No one actually told anyone to -1 you we just thought your posts were dumb and still are :)
  7. Before the monkey with 2 brain cells can further tunnel vision his head up his ass. I'm gonna go to bed. Even trying to have a actual conversation with mr ex staff who starts crying he doesnt get his way or that no one agrees with his views is like arguing with a brick wall. Dan, Sbcs are still op even though you cant inventory them because the amount of sbcs that are in peoples inventories. You dont need to worry about inventorying or dying when you have 30+ ready. :)
  8. I love how you completely skipped over on why i said that wouldnt work good on you buddy for being so tunnel visioned Maybe actually look into the pedo ban mr ex staff, i never said anything like i was a pedo or wanted to diddle :) and its not just my common sense literally every with a normal brain can see why these are a problem ;) Oh noooo we got rid of a gun that could one shot a whole party, what are the bases who use broken pre nerf legendaries gonna dooooo. SBCs literally basing have a huge and i mean huge advantage over raiding. Basing shouldn't have that big of an advantage but still some advantage which is where q good base is.
  9. Leave it to the players who left and join the same staff team multiple times because they are a "joke" and permaed 3 times for cc scamming to argue against common sense!!! lolololol
  10. I'm pretty sure you are just seathing at this point. SBC cannons are one shot guns that a lot of people have access to. Now when I say a lot of people you might reply with "wElL ThEn jUsT UsE It yOuRsElF" when you cant even react to an sbc cannon as the projectile is pretty fast and is a giant ass cannon. Most of the time base defenders in the party also aren't outside the base until the raid starts so they can't be shot down to begin the raid. Can you give me a good reason to allow basically anyone basing to have people easily one shot raiders?
  11. I mean, they aren't just not becoming a problem.... we literally had to hard code in the inability to use a sbc as the terrorist job and they can't be dropped or inventoried anymore by the use of /drop or /invholster. I do believe not leaving a option for the people who want to vote that is eh at most but in the end its whatever. You can't deny they are a big problem when bases are just having people in the party outside so when someone raids they run over party bind and one shot the raiders. Best case scenario would be: terrorists to use them again don't allow them to be inventoried or dropped wipe them from inventories make them harder to get by increasing the rarity It might not be fair to the people who have 30 sbcs in their inventory to sell them but in the long run it would be better for the server to do this. There might of been more nerfs than buffs but no one is suggesting how stuff needs buffs (which you could do you know ).
  12. you good dog? like you had a stroke or somtin? Also this seems like a pretty important bug to fix even the way printers are designed now. Maybe there is some sort of conflicting code with the printers and the boombox to be labeled some shitty ass way that can conflict with the rack. bumpity bump
  13. Tass

    Gang CC

    Word to my mother they need this. -regards Adam Sandler Fan Club troglodyte
  14. Imagine being muted for replying to a staff members question
  15. STEAM_0:0:58077959 I'm doing nothing for the holidays I'm poor give me the rank "IVe BEeN On THe seRVeR SiNCe 2017 I dEsERvE tHE RAnk!"
  16. I fucking love this idea honestly, if gives people the option and if they choose to allow people with supporter to have it they get some sort of compensation. I don't know if 20 mil is the plan but 10 I think is a good plan because people who give it to supporters can still sell it to people who don't buy supporter.
  17. You're in rolex you have no valid opinion
  18. Just informing people who do sell models and plan on selling models about how they should sell if they want to make money
  19. Wow its like what you said to do is what I suggested.... Good job Sherlock. Plus with anyone else who wants to add models to the server to make money or just to have they should know that unless they unlist the model anyone who has supporter lifetime can use it.
  20. You're fine lol im just joshing If you don't care if people really use your model like a cheap one you have like my battle droid model which was 500k for like 2 years maybe then you can just leave it there and new players who don't want to pay 75$ just yet might buy it. But once people realize that you can pay 75$ (which is basically adding 3 models of your own to the server) to just use ALL models that have a listed price (only through !ms) more people will buy it making more models not as exclusive as people wanted them to be.
  21. You literally aren't the only one who owns the rank plenty of people have the rank already. As well as you are losing money even if one person as you could have sold that person who is using it for free. EDIT: LOL SEWER DELETED HIS POST
  22. With the new supporter rank if someone has bought life time supporter ($75) they can use ANY AND ALL models that have a price listed on the cc editor. If you own a model that is up for ANY price on the cc editor the people with life time supporter can just use it without you getting paid for it. I would suggest you remove your models price from the cc editor and when you get on advert say you are selling and sell through trade. Cool thanks have a dumbass day
  23. This is one of the dumbest suggestions in a while. If someone has a fail base after you raid make a sit and have them brought to a sit and dealt with. If someone has a building sign and printers you shouldn't be raiding it but should make a sit and the staff member can tell them to remove the building sign or printers if they don't they will just get punished. You are just making staff's job more shitty and tedious.
  24. +1 gimmie more banks pl0x oh overlord kevin
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