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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tass

  1. January 15th Changed Misc rule: Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided. --> Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use bound key to toggle the door during any rp situation like kidnapping, being raided, being arrested, etc. I feel like it should be simple and known but It should be added for newer kidnappers to the game.
  2. Moved because it could be abused
  3. That is 100% not the highest rdm count. we just unbanned somone for mass rdming 20+ so yeah.
  4. There isn't a class like master raider out there and Master Thief is just a thief job with a gun I thought. I don't see any reason to really give it a different model because it's literally the same class except the get a bulldog.
  5. Tass

    Bounty Suggestion

    There definitely could be some changes to make it so they can't pick the same person over again. But what Piklas said about being random is a better idea so they can't rig the leaderboards.
  6. Tass

    im bakc

    I remember you bud, you were pretty chill Welcome back
  7. A couple of the smods and admins have talked about this suggestion but I want to know who else would like the idea. Instead of the bounty hunters having a bounty hunter tool, make the bounty board intractable and let bounty hunters pick which ever bounty on the bounty board they want and then they go on the hunt. This was brought up because of new people playing bounty hunters just rdming anyone on the board and wondering were the money is.
  8. The party icon movement would be nice though. I don't there are some weird talents in the weird job talents that I think could be abused and somewhat unfair if the other person doesn't have it.
  9. Some of those gang talents used in weird jobs if they were on a cc could be abused in raids which would not really go down well.
  10. Sucks to see you leave umbak Hopefully you come back to us
  11. Noiz always said that the HK SL8 was bad when I used it... now this proves him its a broken gun :tassirl:
  12. The real question is, does that gun stay legendary/epic/rare after being stacked?
  13. If you really need to use the item you can just drop it and re-inventory it
  14. Tass

    For FUCK's Sake

    >Library PC >goes to a site called "titsrp.com" >librarian looks at history
  15. Sugar made it so king had to place his barrels far apart for this reason. I don't exactly know how he got to stack up two hoses.
  16. Tass

    Swat shields

    Low health, a shield they can have out but cant shoot out of to balance it, they have a pistol but they have to swap to shoot from, possibly some body parts are revealed when using the shield like maybe a little bit of the feet if they were crouching or just a little bit of the top of the head to balance it.
  17. Tass


    Daaaaamn monoxide what u doin here bruv.
  18. Tass

    Swat shields

    Possibly a role called "Guardian" or some shit where he has a riot shield, pistol, and all the normal cop stop.
  19. well, welcome back to the server. Please read up on the updated motd because there were lots of changes.
  20. Tass

    rdm zone

    Like muffin said, if you are willing to lose stuff in the rdm zone then i guess use it but the only way out of the rdm zone is by dying really.
  21. This also happens with the HK SL8 or whatever.
  22. Tass

    Lottery Tax

    I mean it would make more people want to play mayor and run with lotteries. I don't see why his shouldn't be implemented. Sooooo SUGAR WE GOT OUR SELVES A GOOD IDEAAAAAAA.
  23. I understand the idea of having VIP's having a higher prop limit because we can actually use dupes so it lets us actually think of the prop placements and where props should be so we could dupe it later more and more. But yeah no VIP+ and the casino idea is good but could really cause problems with the server.
  24. Extreme gambler took like 86 mil away from major one time and that was funny as fuck. Why would you want to remove the cutest thing on the map as well?
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