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Manako last won the day on January 29 2019

Manako had the most liked content!


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  1. https://youtu.be/bGNQtyh3RWE I hope everyone enjoyed school today in the server.
  2. woah not so fast, i think its time for a server wide RDM event
  3. https://youtu.be/gUvZc1xf12k i dont think we broke it
  4. That was epic... Farewell chief
  5. You are a very intelligent person. Im still waiting on a SLAM fix...
  6. I know right. Us hobo's need more Flexibility
  7. (Needs SLAM) It would be much more Easier for Hobo's To micspam With just two Commands: sv_allow_voice_from_file 1 sv_use_steam_voice 0 Also, I promote Micspamming because Thats all I do.
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