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cordnut last won the day on July 20 2018

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About cordnut

  • Birthday 06/19/2003


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  • Location
    my house

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  1. nobody looks at introductions anymore
  2. cordnut

    Prop Limit

    The prop limit is something that is extremely annoying for me and a lot of people on the server. I think raising it even by only 25 will be really good. It's just really annoying when working on a dupe to get the prop limit message.
  3. 100% agree fuckin hate black same Yeah black sucks butt. It's literally the absence of color or light reaching your eyes, it's literally nothing.
  4. For Farming meth, I normally use the little 2 window thingy building with the counter. It's really close and only has 1 entrance/exit so it's easy to manage. Low-key asf too so not as many raiders coming your way unless you got printers blasting out of your ass.
  5. You guys know that you can take the meth to go super fast. It makes it much easier making it to the drop off points in time.
  6. cordnut

    im bakc

    If your talking about mod apps I didn't apply but if not then wot. Ya it has but I'll hopefully be back for good. And congrats lol I am very proud. I'm pretty sure I'm around 60 or something lmao
  7. cordnut

    im bakc

    hey guys im bak not that any of you remember me or care but yea also im changing my name to prgm so prgm = 404 the reason i was gone is cuz i got a std from my dog but its gone now actual explanation: i just got bored of the game and caught up with school but i decided to come back for nostalgia sake and to see how the servers holding up.
  8. Bug Basically the nlr logs times are way crazy. https://imgur.com/a/pxL7yuL the time of the screenshots were 17:29:02 You can reproduce it by looking at the nlr stuff. You can probs kys and then look at the time on the thing. priority: medium
  9. No you can't but apparently you can see the stats and stuff so idk
  10. Bug Description: So basically if you /invholster your admin stick you can drop/trade to other users. I don't think they can use it(at least from what they told me they might be sneaky bois). It's not a big deal just a bit weird. How to reproduce: The video demonstrates it: https://streamable.com/ngl1l Priority: Low
  11. Hi imma be inactive for a while, got my pc taken since I got shitty grades but I’ll be back hopefully soon, idk when but I’m just saying this so I don’t get demoted or something
  12. cordnut

    A new era

    u guys are so mane lmao he was just a mingy hot headed guy lol but i do agree with the ban tbh fifteen bans is a HEFTY amount
  13. Yes, but if you have a pickup box and their are counter raiders outside, you can eat the box and instantly tp back to spawn skipping the raiders. If used in the correct scenarios, this can be very useful. Especially if someones base is near spawn.
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