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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tass

  1. Tass

    Losing inv

    Lost a lot of good stuff ;-; and i can't inventory anything so its like oof
  2. +1 for harsh spanking from sugar
  3. I played it with her, but she got wayyyy too into the game. Plz Ash come back Dolan is a guy
  4. HOLY, you have been apart of alot of gangs... Most of them either felt dead or just died... sooo yeah
  5. Application format Ingame name: Not Ty Tass Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xadusons/ Previous gangs: TS, CX, AWS (Merged), SS Nazi (Basically dead sorry pyro ;-; ) Hours played: 380.67 Hours played past week: Gametracker score: I think 1431? Age: 16 What can you provide regarding raids: I mean an extra body is always nice so I can bring that (I don't normally raid I normally mass kidnap) What can you provide regarding basing: I can bring some good base protection Do you use a mic: I can if needed What is your favorite food: Patty Melts
  6. Update: Ty Tass is now SS-Oberstgruppenfuhrer (owner)! Congratz Tass! I wanna be a god ;-;
  7. Tass


    Kidnappers are supposed to have like a keypad for you on the inside or at least I do. Also if they put you in prop block report it and someone should take it cause its not ok.
  8. Tass


    Ok, I think we don't need more admins but I would like to SEE admins on. I see Piixel and dindu on more than i did on the previous map and I'm ok with how they are. Like I at least see them once a week or so.
  9. I do think the like a screen for 5 seconds when they die saying don't kill reds would be really good. I mean I feel like that is one of the biggest problems on the server as of right now with cops coming back to kill revolters when they died...
  10. :O I WANNA BE A GOBLIN Also piixel can eat my pants cause kidnappin is my meme shit I dont kidnap, i just broke free lol You should live the life of a kidnapper. Its pretty fun my dude.
  11. :O I WANNA BE A GOBLIN Also piixel can eat my pants cause kidnappin is my meme shit
  12. Tass


    I crashed like 3 times today when playing on the server and that isn't a normal amount so ye.
  13. What is your ingame username? Not Ty Tass How many hours do you have? 334.67 On the server How much ingame currency do you have? (will not be reflected in decision) 1.475 mil Why would you like to join? I would like to involve myself into a gang with some nice people. Other gangs do have nice people but some also do not and I feel like this gang will have some nice people. I also wanna be cool... ;-;
  14. I was shown this by noiz, he shot me with shotgun like 2-3 times and it only brought me to like 73 health or something.
  15. I agree with sammah, i see a lot of new people who get into the explosive specialist job and then just bomb the most populated area in the map (outside or in pd).
  16. I may or may not be any help, But this has happened to me. The reason it happened to me was I was a mugger job. You would mug them and open the menu and then the hitman would run because he thought you were mugging him. then you would tell him to stop and you would want a hit and do it again and it would crash my game. That is basically what happened when this affected me.
  17. (One-liners) Steam Name: Nilpferd In-Game Name: Ty Tass Hours on the Server: 238.33 hours Usual Job on the Server: Custom CC's or Hobo Lord Do you have other social media accounts? (Don't be specific) I do which I like to keep private but some I don't mind if you really need to get to me you could get through me there. (unlimited liners) Goal in Life: My goal in real life is just to live a life I want to live. I don't care what to many people think about me as I'm kind of that person who would rather stay in the back and would make some points in life here and there but the spotlight on me isn't a good thing in my opinion. Goal in TitsRP Life: My goal in the server is just to have fun and interact with people who understand in a way. I feel like I haven't made any good impacts on other people which I really want but I want to do it my way. Reason for Application: To many gangs I feel have the feeling of inactivity or just have people who have been dicks to me. I want a gang who I know will be 1) Active, and 2) That wont exactly be a dick to me in most ways. Peanut and I had a really good conversation and I honestly feel compelled now to join because I have known Peanut while I was in other gangs but also because that exact talk is that he helped me.
  18. I'm undecided. Havent had previous interactions In-Game with you. Do you have a separate RP name than forum name? Ur cool. Good in-game experiences. Accepted My rp name is Ty Tass, Yeah my name is different from here and on the server
  19. Gmod hours: 660 Hours and Still playing What you can contribute to our gang: I can bring some fun times to the gang, I am a pretty funny guy in my opinion. Are you liked? Be honest.: I feel like I am liked by people on this server. Do you raid?: Absolutely Do you base?: Any place I can base I try my hardest to make it unraidable when I am there. You cool? Gotta be cool: I am most of the time cool.
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