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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Vexxy

  1. I feel that the ability to jump isnt something that should be taken away just by being looked at, being slowed should be an enough of a detriment as it is, not being able to equip items like jetpacks or anything that allows for freed mobility is a different story. No, If they are cuffed they are immediately sent to jail and being auto demoted would just annoy players to not have them want to play the job because some idiot cop is going to just random cuff you because of bounty and arrest you automatically. This is the main thing I agree with, the cops who arrest the the SK should get rewards based on how many kills the SK got, or atleast an increased time in jail for the SK Having a Required time to kill someone is unrealistic because it pushes a narrative of "Well I have to do this now reguardless of if I get caught or not." and if they dont then they lose the job, which isnt fun because the idea of the job is mainly to pick people off and secure kills from people in odd parts of the map where no one sees them.
  2. Vexxy

    50MIL Giveaway

    Puking Dog Because Trump will Creed more Riots and Biden is a literal freak show.
  3. You are making this into a bigger deal then it needs to be.
  4. "ALL public custom models" Literally just have to remove the costs and they cant access it, Smooth brain. Also, Why does it matter to you theres probably going to be a few number of people who actually spend their money just to use your model.
  5. Typically if a raid is going on and the person is using their procs as cover then they are letting themselves have an explosive landmine right next to their skull, Just shoot it and kill them. If you dont get the profit, it still means you gain by not having them get the profit.
  6. Vexxy

    Giveaway poggers

    IG: Vexxy Disc: Azuria#5702 Halloween: Waiting til all the candy goes on sale to get a ton for myself. Otherwise being an observer
  7. -1 on Piss swep, Adds no Roleplay value, only a shitpost value. Taunts and emotes are mainly going to be used for shitposts
  8. Theres this wonderful app called Tinder for things like this.
  9. Anyone Remember the Wonka Bar?
  10. Health Injectors are a relic of the past, They Give 25% health instantly and are almost dirt cheap to craft, If there was a way to increase the amount of charges the Health Injector has allowing multiple uses I feel would give a more interesting dynamic to combat by injecting yourself with Health instead of pulling out a bacta and tossing it half hazardly and getting 33% Rare Finder Talisman should display your current and buffed chances to get a rare Gem/Oak. and stacking multiple should increase those odds. There should be a sort of indicator for how much wood you should chop to get the next rare oak/gem, Because going off blind odds and being unsure makes me not want to farm anything but chems. (Give Rare Metal and Oak a Guarenteed chance after so much wood gathered) Using the Rare Finder Talisman Should give 2 Chems More Often. Fix Damage TP Talisman from not working at all. Remove Demolitionist, No one really uses the job for its intended purpose and I rather not have to guess if someones gonna mass rdm when they become the job. These are some ideas I had.
  11. Yeah but I feel thats only going to have people either make blockades to trap people in the individual spots and one dupe rebuild and the issue is solved.
  12. The community agree's it should be allowed in the current ruleset is what that means.
  13. However Defending base raids SOLO is almost impossible with said methods and almost requires the raider to make a mistake in their attack by standing in a spot to be shot, or have something happen to them that causes the raid to be stopped If you want to base alone you either need to have supreme aim, Luck that the raider doesn't know you see them before you kill them or annoy the raiders enough by shooting their C4 away after they had already blown 4 layers of your defenses away. Hense why people want to base in kingdom, It flips the advantage on people in the favor of the defenders, You have multiple people surrounding a single point and the raiders are left vulnerable without a way to defend themselves. If the base was in somewhere, say Industrial, Raiders have essentially the walls and building around the base to protect them and all they need to do is play it slow as they chuck c4 in until an opening is created. Eat a few speed foods and damage resist and run in with their epic gun and delete the 1 or 2 people defending because if there are more then 2 people defending its highly unlikely that they would've reached inside without something costly. I agree kingdom has become popular for how easy it is to defend, But in the flip side Its almost impossible to defend a base without overwhelming numbers on the defending side due to how many advantages and items raiders get to raid with.
  14. Like, The only thing that could be done to fix this is to either remove the water or remove the map. v3 here we come haha!
  15. I mean at that point you might just ban them if they are getting 2-3 warns in a single sesh
  16. Halloween Canceled Now only Crabs
  17. Dencepted? No but in seriousness. You cannot tell people you legitimately think other races are inferior and then go apply for staff like it was nothing. In my opinion no one wants you here, thats why you are getting this hate. Please, Just go away.
  18. Sniffy Has Mobility With the Level Perk and Dab Swep
  19. So instead of complaining whats wrong, could you tell us how you would fix it?
  20. Pretty sure you would die in any 1v12 situation
  21. The Nature of kings land and how you get there is bound to have some issue that you run into because you cant solo raid a base and 1v12 with your speed food and legendary guns In my opinion its just crying for the sake of crying at this point.
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