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{GN} Isaac


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by {GN} Isaac

  1. I know how to keep you quiet .. starts with !xban and ends with 0 0-0
  2. Hey people keep asking me for money..
  3. SIIR DONT be putting my business out there like that ..
  4. When you put it like that, makes more sense now.
  5. Yeah idk why sugar made the timer so damn long. Shit needs to be lowered
  6. Try asking sugar or rubik they can help you out . If they respond
  7. Naw server needs to jobs and new content. More rp, titsrp is a great sever dont get me wrong. But just the server is boring...
  8. {GN} Isaac


    See you get it.. smart man.... idk why some people think they need to speak for others
  9. nothing new server still boring
  10. {GN} Isaac


    Not gonna bother to read this.. But if you wanna appeal a ban https://forums.titsrp.com/forum/19-ban-warn-appeals/ here <-- Posting this won't help you get unbanned if you did it for that.
  11. https://discord.gg/KFmSAaXJaD Maybe mine will work.. try it and lmk
  12. I just play as cp so i dont get taxed
  13. We need better accessories as well + for this
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