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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by chud

  1. I don't really think that the server needs new jobs. It already has a ton (Most of which aren't even used by players).
  2. This would be pretty cool to see +1
  3. +1 I think this would be pretty cool.
  4. +1 I’ve had this issue as well. Goon chunks really should stay longer.
  5. -1 This is almost as bad the the vore swep suggestion. Please delete this post.
  6. I think sugars already got something in the works for this.
  7. I think this has the potential to be a really cool idea. Although you did forget to mention how many souls it would take to get an artifact back. Overall I'm +1
  8. Then go ahead and post a picture of your face. Just because you don’t see the issue with it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make me uncomfortable knowing how many people on this server have seen my face and know what town I live in.
  9. Sewer, you summed up my thoughts exactly.
  10. I recently had a situation where a user posted my face, my name and my location in my discord and displayed the information on his steam account. Had it not been for rule 12, this would have gone unpunished. As Rubik said, the rule does sound harsh but its something that's needed sadly. I doubt you'd get muted for saying a couple funny words in your own or a friends discord. Rule 12 is mostly reserved for cases of extreme toxicity, harassment and as I've already mentioned, doxxing.
  11. +1 this job would be baller if the hostile npcs it spawned actually did something.
  12. Fallout 3 is the first fallout game that I played, definitely my favorite. Fallout new vegas is the best fallout game imo though. If any of you guys have played half life 1 then I would highly recommend playing black mesa.
  13. It's gonna get even more wild after @Billy's improved piss physics get added in the may update
  14. If only @TapWater69 was here to keep the erp off of the server
  15. Very cool, thank you. also why is my pc bricked and why is it telling me that I have to pay 5000 yen to access my files!?
  16. -1 This is literally just bounty hunter, but worse.
  17. We can already do !bank and I think that we should be able to access the cc editor with a command as well. This wouldn't really change a whole lot, but I think that it would be a nice thing to have.
  18. here's a picture of me with my favorite nerf gun. I think that your nerf gun is very cool.
  19. +1 I agree that you should be able to read it from across the street. Having small loitering signs doesn't do anything but confuse people.
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