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On the abolishment of harassment/toxicity rules


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lol so u want there to be no rules because you have no self control. you can vent your frustrations in so many ways without saying crazy things that will get you banned.


example: gn isaac cannot put together a sentence in the english language and has never went into a roleplay situation without thinking about how it can be solved in a sit he shouldnt be admin


if you want to learn how to do this play league of legends for 1 hour (you get banned for saying idiot)

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28 minutes ago, 1-800-Suicide said:

lol so u want there to be no rules because you have no self control. you can vent your frustrations in so many ways without saying crazy things that will get you banned.


example: gn isaac cannot put together a sentence in the english language and has never went into a roleplay situation without thinking about how it can be solved in a sit he shouldnt be admin


if you want to learn how to do this play league of legends for 1 hour (you get banned for saying idiot)

Not even remotely true, and a terrible perception of my post, if anything I have more self control then most people here. Read the post before replying please

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I’m not gonna read this all but I read like the first paragraph. I agree with the fact that there is a lot of toxicity that goes both ways with one side not giving enough of a shit to report it because it’s the internet and no one cares and then the other side takes gmod very very seriously and feels the need to report it because it is their real life. It’s just the pissy whiny attitude of children that can’t separate the virtual world and the real world


also; build a sniper tower

Edited by Smelly
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1 hour ago, Smelly said:

I’m not gonna read this all but I read like the first paragraph. I agree with the fact that there is a lot of toxicity that goes both ways with one side not giving enough of a shit to report it because it’s the internet and no one cares and then the other side takes gmod very very seriously and feels the need to report it because it is their real life. It’s just the pissy whiny attitude of children that can’t separate the virtual world and the real world


also; build a sniper tower

This is actually a great way to represent my standpoint on this topic. It is pretty accurate, besides the fact that one side does it implicitly, while the other does it explicitly. Usually the latter is the only one punished.  


Also; i hate you

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The rules regarding harassment shouldn't be changed. What should be changed is how harassment cases are handled. Instead of just immediately banning people, the reporting party should be made to mute/block whoever is causing the issue. If it continues beyond that, then the accused party should be punished.


Immediately banning people only causes more issues. It ends up pissing off their friends/other community members, and makes the accusing party public enemy number one. Whereas if they were to just mute/block the people that are giving them shit, the accused will eventually get bored and move on with their lives.

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1 hour ago, cobaselic said:

The rules regarding harassment shouldn't be changed. What should be changed is how harassment cases are handled. Instead of just immediately banning people, the reporting party should be made to mute/block whoever is causing the issue. If it continues beyond that, then the accused party should be punished.

this is what is usually done if its reported serverside, or atleast thats what i do and i assume thats what other staff members do. usually you add a playernote saying "user x very toxic/harassing user y" so that if it happens again a more severe punishment is given. 

btw quas guy please learn how to reply in one forums post we get u want to hit 500 post count but please calm down..
also take piklas' advice, vent in other ways lol. 0 other game allows this kind of toxicity/harassment, yet we should just abolish every toxicity/harassment rule on here because..? Maybe if your issue with it is that people can do nothing and then get harassment reported, and then basically have to never interact with that user or else they get banned, your suggestion should be more towards the staff team and how they handle harassment issues, and not "delete every rule against it". 
(i didnt read most of ur msgs because u dont know how to reply in 1 message)

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6 hours ago, cobaselic said:

The rules regarding harassment shouldn't be changed. What should be changed is how harassment cases are handled. Instead of just immediately banning people, the reporting party should be made to mute/block whoever is causing the issue. If it continues beyond that, then the accused party should be punished.


Immediately banning people only causes more issues. It ends up pissing off their friends/other community members, and makes the accusing party public enemy number one. Whereas if they were to just mute/block the people that are giving them shit, the accused will eventually get bored and move on with their lives.

I dont see why people dont just mute them to begin with, if you are crying about being harassed then YOU should take the first step in muting/ blocking the other player. I've seen plenty of cases where someone cries about harassment while actively trying to interact with the person who they claim is harassing them.


4 hours ago, Tene said:

0 other game allows this kind of toxicity/harassment,

This is just an objectively false statement. Many games, namely valve games, allow you to say anything you want to other users and leave it up to the community to moderate itself. The only times you get bans on steam community is either if the game itself bans you, or if you are seriously threatening people.

Edited by wingman
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8 hours ago, cobaselic said:

The rules regarding harassment shouldn't be changed. What should be changed is how harassment cases are handled. Instead of just immediately banning people, the reporting party should be made to mute/block whoever is causing the issue. If it continues beyond that, then the accused party should be punished.


Immediately banning people only causes more issues. It ends up pissing off their friends/other community members, and makes the accusing party public enemy number one. Whereas if they were to just mute/block the people that are giving them shit, the accused will eventually get bored and move on with their lives.

Yeesh people are just jumping straight to bans? What happened to telling them to mute eachother, block eachother, giving rp breaks, warns, THEN bans

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6 hours ago, Tene said:

this is what is usually done if its reported serverside, or atleast thats what i do and i assume thats what other staff members do. usually you add a playernote saying "user x very toxic/harassing user y" so that if it happens again a more severe punishment is given. 

btw quas guy please learn how to reply in one forums post we get u want to hit 500 post count but please calm down..
also take piklas' advice, vent in other ways lol. 0 other game allows this kind of toxicity/harassment, yet we should just abolish every toxicity/harassment rule on here because..? Maybe if your issue with it is that people can do nothing and then get harassment reported, and then basically have to never interact with that user or else they get banned, your suggestion should be more towards the staff team and how they handle harassment issues, and not "delete every rule against it". 
(i didnt read most of ur msgs because u dont know how to reply in 1 message)

I am going to break this down as simply as I possibly can so you can get my point without having to read my other replies: It isnt about "venting", it never has been about that. Here is the point, toxicity will always manifest no matter what, the question is how should we let it happen? Through mean words on the internet, or through people reporting mean words that they allowed to be said against them? This is why I want the rules gone. You have a multitude of options to combat harassment and toxicity besides making a report. On the majority of these reports, they didnt mute voice, nor did they mute text chat, which clearly shows that they seek to purposely get the player banned. Isnt that by definition pretty toxic? Id say that is 100x more toxic then saying mean words over the internet, and to argue otherwise is just dishonest. 


In conclusion: Making harassment/toxicity rules in turn actually create a more toxic environment by allowing players to weaponize these rules to ban people they dont like off the server, and that isnt right. Sometime, I hope for an environment that is full of people who dont seek to ban others because they dont like them. No matter how you try and twist it, this is currently how the most toxic people in the server operate. On the surface, this is very counterintuitive, but once you really think about it, you start to realize that this is actually a good rule change. 

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2 hours ago, wingman said:

This is just an objectively false statement. Many games, namely valve games, allow you to say anything you want to other users and leave it up to the community to moderate itself.

sorry meant to say a large majority of other games (i was solely thinking of minecraft i love minecraft) ... i sincerely apologise and am sorry chesmond.... It usually goes against lots of games TOS and shit to be toxic to a certain degree, Quas is saying ALL rules against toxicity should be removed, which is a bonkers idea, as no game that I know allows you to literally say anything you want no matter how toxic. but yes my statement was false i do agree with you 😍

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