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Gambling Safety


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First off, merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!


Per community suggestion, I've added some specific features to the server to allow you to disable all gambling / casino features on your own accord if you so choose. I'm making this post for the purpose of teaching anyone that is interested in disabling gambling / casino how to do it, as well as the effects of doing do. 


Why disable gambling? 

Some players have addressed concern that the new casino / coinflip features are more of a distraction for them, or has lead to them losing a massive amount of money very quickly. They've asked for this feature to basically prevent themselves from gambling away all of their in-game money. This is for players who know with 100% certainty that they will have more fun / enjoy the server more if they are unable to access gambling / casino features.


What gets disabled?

This will (sorta) permanently remove all gambling / casino features including:

  • Slots
  • Roulette
  • Double or Nothing
  • Blackjack
  • Texas Holdem
  • Coinflips
  • Any other future gambling / casino related feature


How to disable gambling / casino?

First remember that this is not easily reversible. If disabling gambling / casino features is what you're looking to do, then follow these instructions:

  1. Open the F4 Menu
  2. Select "Gambling" from the main menu
  3. Select "Gambling Help"
  4. Select "Disable Gambling"






There will be no easy way to reverse this, it's meant to be a permanent solution for some players who have an issue with gambling / casino. 

If you try to use any gambling system after clicking this button, you will be unable to proceed and the following message will print in chat:




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TitsRP gambling addiction moment


I like this though, I know a few people who have lost A LOT to the new gambling features, me included.


But can we get an explanation on what you said here:

11 hours ago, Rubik said:

There will be no easy way to reverse this

Can we get a sort of rundown on the steps to having the "Disable Gambling" thing removed? 


For example:
A player had disabled gambling 5 months ago, this player wants to gamble again but does not have the ability to do so because they opted themselves in to disable their gambling features.


How would a player go about having this restriction removed?


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1 hour ago, Professional Jay Walker said:

TitsRP gambling addiction moment


I like this though, I know a few people who have lost A LOT to the new gambling features, me included.


But can we get an explanation on what you said here:

Can we get a sort of rundown on the steps to having the "Disable Gambling" thing removed? 


For example:
A player had disabled gambling 5 months ago, this player wants to gamble again but does not have the ability to do so because they opted themselves in to disable their gambling features.


How would a player go about having this restriction removed?


I want to hide the gambling features personally myself, but If I never have access to play them ever again - It kind of pushes me away from wanting to disable it at all.

You should be restricted from the games for (3-9 Months) and have to manually reenable the gambling yourself if you want it on. Being on a perma ban list just doesnt seem right.

Edited by Axiom
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1 hour ago, Professional Jay Walker said:

TitsRP gambling addiction moment


I like this though, I know a few people who have lost A LOT to the new gambling features, me included.


But can we get an explanation on what you said here:

Can we get a sort of rundown on the steps to having the "Disable Gambling" thing removed? 


For example:
A player had disabled gambling 5 months ago, this player wants to gamble again but does not have the ability to do so because they opted themselves in to disable their gambling features.


How would a player go about having this restriction removed?


I bet it's just personally dm'ing Suga or Rubik to remove the restriction on discord

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7 hours ago, Axiom said:

I want to hide the gambling features personally myself, but If I never have access to play them ever again - It kind of pushes me away from wanting to disable it at all.

You should be restricted from the games for (3-9 Months) and have to manually reenable the gambling yourself if you want it on. Being on a perma ban list just doesnt seem right.

Being able to re-enable gambling easily & on demand kind of defeats the purpose of what it's intended to do - keep you from gambling. If anyone wants to re-enable gambling / casino, shoot me a DM and i'll tell you how to do it!

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19 hours ago, dokerz said:

Casino is the only thing preventing this servers economy from going belly up. Good feature tho.  Look up gamblers fallacy a lot of idiots think thay they can predict roulette

including sugar lol

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