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Last Weapon Used Shotgun Exploit


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I am not reading 4 pages so idk if this has already been mentioned but there has already been set a precedent about something like this where you could use 2 master swords to jump faster. It was removed because it is something that only a cc or someone who had an inventory master sword skin had access to. 

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16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

It's an unintended mechanic and by definition, an exploit. I'm sorry but if you -1 this one you're just being intellectually dishonest. This needs to go for multiple reasons.

I'd say it's intended as far as gmod development is concerned. Whether or not sugar thinks this is a decision for him to make.

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

1. Not really difficult to pull off, so no argument can be made of raising skill ceiling.

only effective at close range, and pretty punishing to miss a shot, double pumping loses to many other current popular pvp strategies.

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

2. Straight up unintended behavior. If this shit existed in next year's cod game it would be hotfixed in hours.

nowhere near  true. If it was enjoyed, it would not be removed because they would make more money by keeping it lmao

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

3. Allows for a dumb amount of burst damage that should be reserved for enchanted weapons. People rarely buy enchanted shotguns because you already overkill most people with double pump.

enchanted shotguns are still definitely worth buying, again, burst damage can be avoided by taking like 2 steps back.

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

4. Confusing for new players. It's just not an intuitive thing, and it's frustrating to play against as a new player.

If you think double pumping is frustrating, have fun with the meta that is coming if it is removed 🙂

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

5. It just gives certain shotguns too much power. If Sugar intended you to be able to one hit somebody with a basic shotgun, then we'd have a basic shotgun that one hits. By every definition of the word it is unintended behavior and an exploit.

it doesn't add any power to shotguns, they still have the same base stats. Being able to use two consecutively does not make either more powerful. Sugar intended for shotguns to two shot people, this just lets it happen (literally less than half of a second) faster.

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

6. It's a crutch. This is the main reason I refuse to double pump in game. Get good at using shotguns for their intended purpose rather than relying on a broken mechanic.

I literally use double pump as more of a handicap than a crutch, once it is removed, people will have a lot more complaints about the new ways they are killed.

16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

7. It's kind of hypocritical for even staff to openly abuse an unintended exploit for an edge, while punishing other people for using exploits. I know of an even more broken exploit with automatic weapons that I would surely be punished for if I were to abuse it.

we've talked to superadmins about it, and its a better solution than banning half the server.


16 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

I'm not trying to attack anyone here, my point is that it's not fair to say "This exploit is OK because I enjoy it"

nobody said that.


Overall, I am -1. The removal of double pumping would be a huge meta shift that nobody really asked for, and I believe it would shift the balance even further away from new players. Experienced players have other options that are already better than double pumping, and new players will have what is basically their only remaining fighting chance removed.


I can see why some people would want it removed, but if it is, just get ready for the influx of complaints that old players are broken, and need to be nerfed. Nerfs from complaints always have, and always will lead to nerfs from complaints. Why don't we buff another combat form rather than nerfing double pumping which will lead to an inevitable nerf of every META combat method, since people will always complain. If the superadmin team decides that double pumping should be removed, I don't necessarily think that they made a wrong decision, but seriously, get ready for the months of complaints that will follow. I am one of the players that will be least affected by the removal of double pumping, this is not a personally interested -1.

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On 9/16/2020 at 3:56 PM, Wilhelm Panderino said:

dont really see this as an exploit BUT if youre gonna add a cooldown to shotguns you might as well adjust last weapon used cooldowns for every swep in the game. You can quick swap to an AR after shooting an awp or even to an Ar from a grenade. Its just more prevalent with shotguns. 

Literally this. 

Lot of people who use this are pretty mad ( i use it too lmao) but this should be nerfed honestly. Bring back the old enchanting system however.

Edited by USN peepoo
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