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Server Soft Wipe


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26 minutes ago, Mori said:

man this is like the worst suggestion i've seen -1

Woopsies clicked edit on your comment. However this comment provides no constructive criticism, and you clearly didn't read my disclaimer.  Add something useful. I just want to see viewpoints from the community 

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We were forced to do a wipe back in late 2015 for the server's first custom content update called the EvoCity update which killed the server so hard it was actually sickening. Our server went from 50 / 50 players for the majority of the day to 2 / 50 players for a whole 2 months.


I do have ideas for a second server which I named "Tits after Dark" which is supposed to be more nitty gritty roleplay and a lot less hand holding. Not necessarily HL2 RP / Serious RP, still DarkRP but cutting out the custom classes, custom models, 9000 weapons, removing silly jobs, experimenting with things that TitsRP cannot have and ect. But its still an idea and not currently being developed, not until I think TitsRP is in a really solid place or has solid developers behind it. My goal is to have TitsRP hit rank #1 for at least 1 second of my life without using tricks like bots or anycast. Imma try to get it to that point


A lot of players would absolutely hate to see a reset. To know people have logged 10's of 100's of hours on this server just to have it wiped to get that rp experience back which a lot of people would argue it's still there. It would just be the same. The second of the reset people would just play on the server for 20 hours a day, grinding to the top 1%. Its just not something that would happen, but I see why you would want it.


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20 minutes ago, Sugar Tits said:

We were forced to do a wipe back in late 2015 for the server's first custom content update called the EvoCity update which killed the server so hard it was actually sickening. Our server went from 50 / 50 players for the majority of the day to 2 / 50 players for a whole 2 months.


I do have ideas for a second server which I named "Tits after Dark" which is supposed to be more nitty gritty roleplay and a lot less hand holding. Not necessarily HL2 RP / Serious RP, still DarkRP but cutting out the custom classes, custom models, 9000 weapons, removing silly jobs, experimenting with things that TitsRP cannot have and ect. But its still an idea and not currently being developed, not until I think TitsRP is in a really solid place or has solid developers behind it. My goal is to have TitsRP hit rank #1 for at least 1 second of my life without using tricks like bots or anycast. Imma try to get it to that point


A lot of players would absolutely hate to see a reset. To know people have logged 10's of 100's of hours on this server just to have it wiped to get that rp experience back which a lot of people would argue it's still there. It would just be the same. The second of the reset people would just play on the server for 20 hours a day, grinding to the top 1%. Its just not something that would happen, but I see why you would want it.


TitsRP | After Dark              sounds fire.              toxicity and racism must be allowed

Edited by Frisco
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I agree with sugar boobies. If we were to do this we would most likely temporarily or even permanently lose a large chunk of the playerbase and, really gain like nothing substantial in terms of balancing the economy. This would only harm newer players, as players who are more experienced know of all the tactics to start from nothing. You would have those experienced players farming treasure hunter till they can afford enough for raiding materials, then would raid, then buy processor tokens, ETC. Nothing was lost except a majority of the player base and their major frustration that all those hours spent were essentially wasted for no reason other than an inconvenience to everyone. What would more so benefit it than what you suggested is removing all tokens, and rely on raid loot, farming materials around the map and buying suga shop upgrades, instead of just passively AFK mining materials in a base or placing down processor tokens. The whole concept of tokens seems so lazy, and meaningless. The ability to create something out of nothing is stupid. That being said, there are other ways to nerf the economy without decimating the player base. What about making the whole concept of basing and farming less idle? Mini printers not having failsafes is just a minor inconvenience in the lot of everything, nobody uses them anymore and instead just use processors as they are the ones that universally make a fuckload of money. What about making it so processors will blow up if not farmed for a certain period of time? Or make them rapidly drain battery if such is done. Make bitminers require batteries in them or else they won't work, etc. 


But overall the removal of all tokens PERIOD could really benefit the economy.

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2 minutes ago, Fuel said:

I agree with sugar boobies. If we were to do this we would most likely temporarily or even permanently lose a large chunk of the playerbase and, really gain like nothing substantial in terms of balancing the economy. This would only harm newer players, as players who are more experienced know of all the tactics to start from nothing. You would have those experienced players farming treasure hunter till they can afford enough for raiding materials, then would raid, then buy processor tokens, ETC. Nothing was lost except a majority of the player base and their major frustration that all those hours spent were essentially wasted for no reason other than an inconvenience to everyone. What would more so benefit it than what you suggested is removing all tokens, and rely on raid loot, farming materials around the map and buying suga shop upgrades, instead of just passively AFK mining materials in a base or placing down processor tokens. The whole concept of tokens seems so lazy, and meaningless. The ability to create something out of nothing is stupid. That being said, there are other ways to nerf the economy without decimating the player base. What about making the whole concept of basing and farming less idle? Mini printers not having failsafes is just a minor inconvenience in the lot of everything, nobody uses them anymore and instead just use processors as they are the ones that universally make a fuckload of money. What about making it so processors will blow up if not farmed for a certain period of time? Or make them rapidly drain battery if such is done. Make bitminers require batteries in them or else they won't work, etc. 


But overall the removal of all tokens PERIOD could really benefit the economy.

the removal of all tokens will fucking destroy the server and somehow make basing even deader then it is. And no one fucking bases. Back when tokens were 100k each was the prime of the server and no one had even close as much money as they do today u aint here for that ion think so 

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Its DarkRP, the economy is based around inflation. It will always inflate because people literally print money into it. I don't see a reason to reset it, nobody thinks the server is in an unplayable state.


I do think a new, potentially more money competitive, server where everyone starts at 0 would be cool tho.

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