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Server Soft Wipe


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DISCLAIMER: This is not something I'm entirely for, but I want to see what the community thinks about it.


After reading post after post about the influx of items and little to no trading happening within game, I think it may be time for an economy wipe.



What this DOES entail:


Money reset back to 0 for every player

Suga Dollars reset to 0 except for recent purchases within 30 days

Full inventory wipe



What this does NOT entail:


Custom class reset

Gang progression reset

Player level progression 


I think that with a full economy reset it could inspire more players to base, and trade. It would also bring back some of the RP rather than sitting and talking. It would inspire more ideas for Casinos, mini games, and gun dealer role play.


Please let me know your opinions below. Keep it civil.

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5 minutes ago, {GN} Isaac said:

No why would you make this no no no

I wanted opinions, not for it to happen. I made the disclaimer for a reason, but I want to know what you think. You should have left a reply explaining why you DONT want it to reset.


Basing, Cop Roleplay, Casino's, Minigames, Quests, Gun Dealing, Trading. @{GN} Isaac EDIT: Also probably shouldn't have sold a perm slot on your CC and rather rented it out weekly.

Edited by LeGerbs
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1 minute ago, Ember said:

I would say most players would quit if its happened because the time they spent trying to get items just snapped instantly would annoy a lot of them.

I can agree somewhat, but let's take the game rust for example. Rust servers usually wipe weekly. *This server hasn't wiped before to my understanding* However most players don't quit a server after a wipe, rather they fill up almost entirely then they slowly die out over the course of the week. Now gmod RP servers is quite a bit different than rust, and people have worked years for what they have. What MOST people do is use the money they make to upgrade their CC's which what I suggested wouldn't reset. I don't think people would quit, but rather spend all the money they have on their CC then go back to grinding. I know for a fact that some people get bored very quickly because they have millions and an amazing CC. Adding and extra challenge is what people strive for in a game. Most people's main goal to make money is to upgrade CCs and when they don't need to upgrade any more the money just floats in their inventory for a long time. Take Jewann for example. He really doesn't spend money or really base anymore because he has no reason to. This is just an example and a counter argument. Like I said i'm really sitting 50/50 on a reset. I'm trying to take input and give rebuttals to the topic.

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Not a chance, this would kill the server. Not because you took everyones money but because you left everyone with their OP cc classes while new players still have to grind there money back up without ccs


What would be dank tho, is if sugar made a second server that was completely fresh. Id be down to play on that.

Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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