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Minor Inventory Suggestion


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Whats poppin. This is probably the most quality of life suggestion I've made, anyways here it is.


When you get into resolutions higher than 720p, inventory colors become harder to see.



My suggestion is to increase the amount of pixels that are affected by the color changing in inventory. 

I know that isn't the best explanation so I spent 30 minutes in photoshop doing each of them manually.


Heres what the colors look like at 1080p





GMOD at 1080p           ^









Original ^


Both of these are from GMOD at 720p                                                                      ^  edit i made in photoshop. 

                                                                                           This is what I am suggesting is changed so color coding is more useful.


This could even be a toggle-able option in the help menu.    High Contrast Inventory


Just a little quality of life suggestion.

Edited by Frisco
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