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Defense for Gangs and Parties


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If we took this into actual RP talk, then it would make sense because if someone hurt another in your gang, you would fight back for them right? Can we please have it so that gang members can defend their friends in RP scenarios? It would make it so much better to defend your friends, or at least a "invite all/selected online gang members to !party" button. Thanks

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Yeah, i'm gonna have to say no.


Party defense is a perfect system as is, it would be absolute chaos to allow gangs that could have 100 members, zerging on one dude who attacks them.


Big 'Ol -1

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It used to be this way back when I first became staff, but after gangs conglomerated into the big few gangs, it just led to dumb situations, which is why it was limited to only parties. This is also why parties have a limited capacity.

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