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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. make it so u can buy armor packs in bulk like u can everything else add a cooldown between uses so it doesn't start problems
  2. i call people the hard r in local chat and party chat all the time, just don't say it in global like a retard inb4 retard is banned too
  3. if anything mat nades/bombs need to be buffed by nerfing glimmer
  4. You have been accepted. Reason: Good friend. However, you have also been denied. Reason: Can't follow the damn format. You may ask an admin to give you the role. demoted
  5. editing i wish sugar would let us do it for cheaper, i have spent 1m some days switching up my cc
  6. another old staff member leaves goodbye squanch
  7. Mining Operation - King Of The Hill Players try to take over a drill near the mines for a cash prize, it would take 30 seconds of being near the drill to capture it. Players could break NLR and every time they died, their time would reset. Sabotage - Cop vs Thief Thief Jobs can start a raid on this little computer and would have to defend it for 10 minutes from cops like a bank heist however its longer with a larger reward and cops could break NLR to add extra challenge.
  8. Fuck the Osiris, bring back the old gun-ho grim reaper who could use any gun and slay anyone under 30 hp. That was literally the most fun anyone could have as a grim. Osiris is inconsistent and gay.
  9. cc items really aren't that expensive in the first place, if anything they should be raised soon because it adds stress to the server.
  10. Make it so players can make and submit dupes for the RDM arena as the current "dupes" for it are sort of shitty, half of them have minimal cover and are spawn kill fests.
  11. A second server with Evo City would be cool, I remember ModifiedRP, one of the biggest servers like 3-4 years back had a downtown and evocity server. Both were near full daily. They both were synced too, it was really cool.
  12. Nah it needs to be a bigger range its objectively underpowered as is. Not at all, most PD bases are getting destroyed by it. If you can break props out of the line of sight its retardedly OP
  13. Make it so bunker buster has a small range, it being ranged in the first place is kinda dumb.
  14. banning ppl who do it doesn't help because you can't prove how they got into your base. had a sit about this a night ago with booper when a kid chair exploited above pd vault and one of the mods brought him into the vault thinking he was cp. I think sitting should be made limited some how.
  15. So, I have no problem with these staff members, if anything I think they're both very good staff members. However, Big Tits become trial mod less than a month ago and a full moderator I think a week ago? I don't think any mod should rise up through the ranks this fast or once they are stuck at smod, they're going to go inactive. Isaac hasn't been as active as he used to. If he became more active I'm sure he'd get smod no problem.
  16. Bug Description: Whenever you place your arena, the green ghost marker doesn't dissappear and stays there until you rejoin How to reproduce: Place an arena once or twice, should occur. Priority: Low/Medium
  17. So many people don't know the rules of the server and mods just warning them left and right won't fix anything. Making them sit in a jail for 5 minutes and have the MOTD forced on their screen will probably help somewhat.
  18. Precision is fine, I have literally 0 problems using it. Just be more careful when you're building. You're not meant to put props outside the map lol.
  19. and make it so kings have to follow the rules its retarded when they can haev ridiculously broken bases
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