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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. Would be lame because people would start abusing unfun
  2. the stats thing i didn't suggest is gay however a usurper job would be cool and giving the king a master sword would be nice too.
  3. Lots of times just enforcing the laws will get you demoted, I was fining people for illegal weapons and I got demoted while doing it, I think its stupid people can demote cops when there is a mayor that is able to FIRE them. When there isn't a mayor I'd see why but there really is no need while there is one.
  4. It's not that simple, although it may help more people pay if the maximum amount is 10k or less. most people do 30k on purpose knowing most people won't/can't pay it. Half the people I do 30k pay it, if it were 10k, I’m sure you people would still not pay it. I probably wouldn't pay you. But let's put this into perspective a bit: You can only mug for 1k, you can only sell hits for what is it 2k now?, and as cop you can only fine people 5k for their crimes. Kidnappers can charge people 6 times more than police can charge people who actually deserve to be fined.[/align] cop main bias anyway a kidnap is for ransom, you wouldn't just give someone away for a grand irl. 30k for a random civillian to leave? I'm sure that'd be pretty reasonable.
  5. Make it so that if the revolt leader dies and theres say at least 1/4 of the people who joined the revolt still alive it keeps going and has a different condition to end it. Also bitminers are cool but I think profitting off them may take a little too long, maybe bringing the bitcoin price from 65 to 90 will help?
  6. When I am elected, I do not play office RP. I immediately head to the streets to help fight crime with the rest of the PD. I would be upset if I was forced to stay in PD f or ten minutes. OfficeRP is the best part Add a button to the mayor menu to end the grace period immediately +1. I like that idea. Also add some sort of way to remove the revolt cooldown. Maybe taxxing would cause this?
  7. It's not that simple, although it may help more people pay if the maximum amount is 10k or less. most people do 30k on purpose knowing most people won't/can't pay it. Half the people I do 30k pay it, if it were 10k, I’m sure you people would still not pay it.
  8. With this new basing buff we should see a decline in kidnapping, if it’s still a problem, pay your way out. The people that have been bitching about it me people who refuse to pay the box.
  9. Correct tbh we should have all classes that spawn with gun be vip or vip+ Trisha has a launcher that destroys props. She can respawn and destroy more props, almost every day I have a Trisha that blows up my props, suicides, comes back, blows up more props and it makes building really annoying
  10. Bread that dupe I made last night took like 2 hours, 10 minutes grace is fine to set up a 2-3 door defense lmao
  11. theres always trisha minges, i really think it should be switched to VIP.
  12. make it so u can buy armor pack shipments as gd/bmd/supplier
  13. Raiding during Grace sabotages the mayor or cp's building time. It's supposed to be GRACE for a reason. Having raids on the PD during this is just dumb. If a mayor is elected during a PD raid, any raid going on should get immediatly ended and the cooldown should be reset for them to raid after grace.
  14. no what silver is doing is really broken, better stealth kidnapping isn't. Blame the model not the methods.
  15. add a reward for playing rdm arena, maybe 1 xp per kill
  16. Change Kingsguard playermodel to : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890326717 also link king and kingsguard team chat could change the king model to the current kingsguard model
  17. Sitting in the hobo box while I get drunk enough to tolerate you idiots is not the same thing as RPing and having my RP constantly disrupted by kidnap. as a side note, in the past 2 days since this topic was made, I have not been kidnapped once. And I do think it has been significantly more enjoyable to be on the server without being kidnapped or having to fight CC kidnappers. so you are complaining about your rp being distrupted by others RPing? lmao open ur eyes and maybe you can get the kidnapper before he gets ya. Someone pissed in ur cheerios this morning be honest, most people do not RP as kidnappers they do it just to do it, or to get XP, or to annoy people. i do it for money shame you can't tolerate the active players without getting drunk, mentor.
  18. piggybacking off this idea, why not make a meat grinder similar to the satan circle that makes like 5-10 wood/metal or 1-3 chem barrels or like 4 electrical components when you put someone on it? And on the hospital idea, why not make armor/health stations that take 2$ per use and give 1$ to the owner? This was in a server I used to play and was really well used. This could be an alternative to the PD Station which is locked like half the time. I think the stations for medic is a good idea but do you really think $2 is applicable to our economy? did you mean $2k? also if we had hunger people could be turned into edible meat after being grinded by a kidnapper. maybe this could be given to ronald my donald to give him a wacky way to run a restaurant. food is retarded, never has been implemented well in darkrp and medic stations as in 2$ per point of armor or health
  19. you do understand that ur -reps aren't what I mean. you did scam tenebrae and the only reason you "paid him back" was so you could try and get people off your back for scamming. cut the bullshit scammer boy. I know it isn't what you meant, but if it was big enough of an issue where I left the server because of it (I logged 5+ hours a day at the time), don't you think I would have had at least ONE -rep for scamming? Cause I don't. I really don't, go ahead, check. could have tenebrae come and say something if you want kek Completely ignored my point. We aren't arguing about that. We are arguing about the reason I left. I didn't leave cause everyone hated me, cause no one hated me, hence the reason my rep is positive and no -reps for scamming if it makes you feel better, a lot of people hate you lol
  20. you do understand that ur -reps aren't what I mean. you did scam tenebrae and the only reason you "paid him back" was so you could try and get people off your back for scamming. cut the bullshit scammer boy. I know it isn't what you meant, but if it was big enough of an issue where I left the server because of it (I logged 5+ hours a day at the time), don't you think I would have had at least ONE -rep for scamming? Cause I don't. I really don't, go ahead, check. could have tenebrae come and say something if you want kek
  21. you do understand that ur -reps aren't what I mean. you did scam tenebrae and the only reason you "paid him back" was so you could try and get people off your back for scamming. cut the bullshit scammer boy.
  22. piggybacking off this idea, why not make a meat grinder similar to the satan circle that makes like 5-10 wood/metal or 1-3 chem barrels or like 4 electrical components when you put someone on it? And on the hospital idea, why not make armor/health stations that take 2$ per use and give 1$ to the owner? This was in a server I used to play and was really well used. This could be an alternative to the PD Station which is locked like half the time.
  23. why not both? I don't play videogames to be afk 50% of my time playing them. why don't you come up with something useful to say instead of saying stupid and predictable shit that has already been said and disputed several times in the thread? kIdNaP Is tOo bRoKeN NeRf qUiCk sUgAr pLeAsE
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