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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. Would like this but I would want it to be somewhat democratical where all players vote on the stuff.
  2. Adding some of the logs could definitely benefit users. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
  3. Potions of riches Fishing Suga bucks farming (I’ll buy ingame, I’m isaac. Hit me up) CC renting if you own one Pretty much anything relating to material trading If you want some help, shoot me a pm ingame.
  4. Guns didn’t change much other than you having to ads instead of hipfire. I don’t feel the change is game breaking.
  5. literally right here, its used as a way to remove mayors that people can't raid, it takes all the rp out of it. it's a shitty tool that can be abused easily. Indeed. If a mayor is being shitty, kill them in the many ways you can try. Revolt, get a hit, raid the PD, mayor's assassin, call him to a sit and RDM him in it unfun is supposed to be for like if a mayor has 5k fines and no jaywalking except on one street corner and always on lockdown and hobos are AOS or, worst of all, if he makes micspamming illegal. It isn't always passing now, but it passes easily even if the mayor is just trying to RP. The number is 35% now? I think just raising it even to 40 would be a little better since 50% resulted in me literally never seeing an unfun pass after the first two days it was added I'd say 45% if it were to stay and not be totally stupid abuse
  6. literally right here, its used as a way to remove mayors that people can't raid, it takes all the rp out of it. it's a shitty tool that can be abused easily.
  7. Bug Description: ADSing with most guns shows at the fountain How to reproduce: unsure, this randomly started happening when i ads and wont stop Priority: Medium to high ADS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396458425 Non ADS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396458465 ADS again: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396458393 Edit: happening with all guns
  8. This happened to me when I first got my cc, it should fix itself after a day or so.
  9. I still have my hunter swep on my gang cc, however it sounds like you lost a cc slot so you should PM sugar about it.
  10. At this point, if you have any laws as a mayor that remotely affect people running around doing whatever the fuck they want, you get unfunned.
  11. 13 needed out of 46 players so far all i see is unfun being abused for people who can't successfully raid the mayor. the % to accept is ridiculously low and makes mayor feel even worse to play. the mayors office is easy to raid with a couple bombs so i don't see the problem in keeping it rp to kill the mayor. i want other peoples opinions on this so please reply with feedback
  12. Make it so building signs have to be in a bright color and in a large font, (80-100) there are too many times where people miss them either because it blends into the wall of a building or its too small.
  13. I think that in general, the abusable cp jobs need to be raised more. also i wanted to generate a discussion about abusable jobs, the huge suggestions thread doesn't get many replies on topics
  14. Lots of people abuse smoke's grenades and he has a shit ton of them, I think it'd better fit as a VIP job maybe with a pistol added onto it or something. i want some opinions on this
  15. just make a base at the beach lol, isn't that the whole point of beach bases?
  16. Make universal ammo 30 instead of 20. Most guns have clips of 30 and pressing your bind 20 times to get like 2 clips is a little ridiculous.
  17. Make it 30 instead of 20. Most guns have clips of 30 and pressing your bind 20 times to get like 2 clips is a little ridiculous.
  18. Make it so there is some sort of value to playing the RDM arena, currently it costs a ton to play because you have to buy usually 3 different ammo types and sometimes a lot of an ammo type (minigun, shit like that), I was thinking that for playing you should get some sort of money. Maybe each kill you get like 50-200$ and if you win you get like 5k
  19. my played time has been at 0.17 for the past couple months
  20. also the kidnap failure time should be reduced to 5 seconds
  21. Would Only Lead to Easy Abuse as you can cuff people and uncuff them quickly with instacuffs make it have the same delay as normal cuffs.... I don't see the problem in cops doing their job and getting rewarded for it, the most they get is fine money and that is if the mayor has laws that have fines. Those mayors usually get unfunned by the way lets talk about how unfun is broken. i'd say at any given time the server usually is 4/5 non-cop. they don't like the mayor if they have any laws that aren't default, raising the number of votes needed would probably be better. old unfun was better than new unfun in my opinion because if you lose the revolt u can just unfun them real easy with the people who joined. thats retarded as to my suggestion, adding a like 250$ per kill in the rdm arena would be nice. would pay for ammo, incentive to play in it and not make it totally farmable. adding a like 5k reward to whoever wins would be cool to, give us a reason to play it other than to test guns and dick around.
  22. Give 1 xp for cuffing people without bonuties. Give some sort of xp for arrest batoning people or make it so you have to cuff someone to arrest baton them and then remove having to quickwant them.
  23. i've suggested this several times and hopefully sugar finally realizes how neccesary it is so we can see community response to suggestions.
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