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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. so sugar what are you gonna do about glimmer of broke?
  2. Okay then, who, and when? I am tired of you constantly harassing me with this shit. Every time I am on the server, if I say ANYTHING, even when I say nothing, I kill you during a raid "Oh look I got killed by a scammer." You are legitimately just salty 24/7. Isaac-Today at 6:02 PM @Tenebrae that was you then right? Tenebrae-Today at 6:02 PM Hm? Oh. "Bosco the Dovahbear"? @Isaac Isaac-Today at 6:27 PM yeah didn't he try to scam u for torches @Tenebrae NEW MESSAGES Tenebrae-Today at 6:34 PM Yeah. then gave me my money back cause he "felt bad" when he really just didnt like everyone calling him a scammer. this is why i dont scam. its bad for business.
  3. I think for that perk to be fixed that mat bombs shouldn't destroy fences and such but instead it should just be a larger mat nade.
  4. Bug Description: Killing your kidnapper won't free you and let you suicide. How to reproduce: Try to kill your kidnapper Priority: Medium
  5. What? No one had any bad rep with me except you (If you're Isaac) because I never actually tried to scam him. That’s fucking horse shit and you know it, you tried to take 750k from someone and only gave it back because people flamed you and started targeting you for being a bitch, he even said you tried to scam him.
  6. both have a low success rate CCs literally don’t change kidnapping, they use the same bludgeon and have the same mechanics, if you really want it nerfed, you could add a weapon swap delay. CC's do provide an advantage over the normal Cultist and other Kidnapping classes. Theres a exploit that you would need a jump swep for ( Fountain Area ) Where you can time a swing while dropping on someones head and it'll kidnap them. Also you come zooming in at the speed of sound due to bunny hopping and hit them in a split second where no one could react. So, the exploit is an exploit, you should know that is not allowed lol, you have said several things in this thread that YOU as a moderator as a moderator are supposed to punish/enforce. With bhopping, it’s a lot harder than you think to hit someone whilst bhopping and more times than not you’ll miss their back. What was said before is play in third person, Take advantage of it. Untrue, there are multiple ways you can get out of kidnap such as using /cr, yelling for help and im pretty sure now that metagaming is removed you can advert or tell your friends where you are. Just because you choose to be lazy doesn't mean thats the only option. I played for about an hour today and got kidnapped once when tabbing out, I was making sure I was doing normal stuff and around fountain area. When some people actually did try to kidnap me it was either a. very obvious since they are running in a half circle behind you or b. I saw them with ther bludgeon and when they attempted to kidnap i just killed them. The one time i did get kidnapped they kidnapper was killed within 10 seconds of me being kidnapped. This is all anecdotal but from what I have seen here I should have been getting attempted kidnapped constantly and get kidnapped on a regular basis most likely within the hour. It was very easy to counter a kidnap and when I did get kidnapped someone else countered and stopped it, seems to me that if you are in more high traffic areas its extremely hard to get kidnapped making me believe that the kidnapper needs to do that in a more secluded area which is the intended interaction as far as i know. Overall I think this is just blown out of proportion and kidnapping is annoying but fine, its adequitely hard to kidnap someone who isn't payng attention but there is risk to not waiting for a good moment to kidnap. I do still support an increase of the perk cooldown to something higher since it might add a bit more risk to kidnapping but then failing, making you have to wait longer to choose your next target. Also heres a little meme for the people who seem to really really hate kidnapping, peanut since he was the first one to my knowledge to bring this up recently https://i.imgur.com/itR2q16.jpg[/img] "High traffic areas" A player shouldn't be force to stay in these specific parts on the map to enjoy the server without the threat of being kidnaped successfully. And with the perk. People shouldn't be forced to either join a gang that has the perk active nor should they have to change it. People aren’t forced lmfao, did you read anything he said? He barely got kidnapped, just because you leave yourself open constantly doesn’t mean kidnapping is broken. Wide Awake doesn’t change much anyway so it IS NOT a forced talent.
  7. both have a low success rate CCs literally don’t change kidnapping, they use the same bludgeon and have the same mechanics, if you really want it nerfed, you could add a weapon swap delay.
  8. As you are one of the kidnappers on the server, your view on the subject is extremely biased on it. And the your point as "Your a moderator you should know this" Any time I would or did confront someone who was fail bassing Id be blasted and told to go fuck off, No other staff seem to see it as a problem which is everyones excuse to it. you're one of the people who always complains about being kidnapped although it isn't in any way broken lol thats your fault for not being able to do your job confidently
  9. u did it so everyone would forget the bad rep you got for trying to scam
  10. you'd have a lot to say if i brought up combat cuffing, cp minge
  11. Not sure if this is already planned but make the King have a 120 proplimit or some shit when the new portal comes out
  12. +1 to all, sorting would be the bset for me.
  13. Add a !gametracker command that links you to the gametracker page.
  14. At least he reported it well without the template lol.
  15. I know we didn’t talk but you were always a good staff member when I saw you, good luck in the future.
  16. The completey invisible player BUG only happens to one person and hasn't happened in ages for me.
  17. Well I bought suga dollars I'll send the screen shot in a bit bought I reloged twice and even refreshed data I got nothing and it took my quest tokens that happened to me a while back but it shouldn't happen anymore, there was another update with quest data today
  18. +1 I think this would make playing batman more fun but would require him to be more skillful I think it should be a Bane job and Bane would have the same speed as SOH with a little more hp but with no grapple hook. I think this would counter Batman's grapple if Batman isn't careful enough.
  19. Error hitboxes don't bug me as much as the nugget/loli models
  20. no because I just found out that I can't pick up new boxes although I suicided earlier. it's stuck in me I guess.
  21. Bug Description: Pickup box full of 4 minis and 1 normal print (i think superclocked) didn't drop back out (didn't drop after I suicided either), I'm in a level 18 gang if that helps. How to reproduce: Unsure Priority: Medium
  22. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/911298000357192607/E848DADD2B833366D36514F3F3ED4B5AA7DA2B81/
  23. Make a gang perk that allows you to drop the Pickup Box early with a command of some sort like /pubdrop or something like that, it could replace "Escape Artist" because I've never seen that perk work anyway.
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