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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. Seems like a high priority thing since they’re so easy to get.
  2. just nerf the time it takes to bunker buster, range is balanced
  3. this makes pd basing really weak now Old pd base would look like this which was still a raid you could totally lose ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| to new pd which would have to do this ***** - the area from the door to the vault _____ _____ _____ _____ making it so you'd basically be basing in the little window room. this is going to make mayors never base in pd
  4. With the new bounty hunter perks being released I have a couple suggestions to make the job even more fun since I had a blast playing him today. + Making it so you get a set value or more depending on the size of the bounty, say 500$ or 1/4 of the bounty if its 4k or more. + Making Bad Boy Finder work with Bounty Hunter (would be kind of cool imo, could rp as a high risk target bounty hunter with this perk). + Make the percentage to get a list much better + Make it so you can capture people with bounties dead or alive; * Add a system similar to batman where you can cuff/nonlethal an unsuspecting target and fine/arrest them like a cop would. This would make more sense since bounty hunters irl don't just kill people that have a bounty haha. +After you kill your target, get rid of the cooldown. This way if you kill your target you shouldn't have to wait. This also makes it so it can't be abused to find easy to reach people. link to my hitman suggestion thread: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10393
  5. all classes except cp can kidnap is what i thought the rules were
  6. Make it so gang owners can add a description of some sort in gang menu so we can shout out our discords for our gangmembers to join.
  7. i kidnap solo usually adding the misc talents to cc's is going to bring up the old kidnap meta which was bitched about constantly. the way it is right now is fine, may even need a nerf for groups.
  8. all jobs can use talis/potions, only weird jobs can use /size. all 3 should be removed.
  9. I think all the cop jobs should have different time requirements and whichever job you choose to play has different “perks” that come with it along with higher pay
  10. +1 if it gets rid of the random errors
  11. the current bank system being turned into this and then having the normal pd bank in the bank would be neat.
  12. anything minisize is retardedly broken. hits don't register properly and it makes them basically invincible.
  13. if you want to be sure you’re safe make sure you ask each admin what the unwritten rules are
  14. Cop Model Pool resets at restart as well first one happens to my cc(s) and I don't have custom cc commands.
  15. Search DJ on the editor and dm me offers on discord for my stuff search radio dj on the tits discord to find me
  16. hi since i don't want to spam ping sugar during the meeting im just going to make a thread also read these threads https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10379 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10354 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10301 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9257 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9449 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9386 , https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9794 , Hit System has needed a revamp for a while and I'm going to suggest how to change it. [*]Making a notification for when your target changes via gang perk. This happens often and lots of people miss it, including me. [*]Adding boards around the map that people can place hits on and hitmen can take hits from, maybe make it so people can pick their own prices on hits instead of the hitman pick the price. [*]Hitmen could also walk around and have people place hits directly through them. [*]Make the max hit price 25/50/75/100k to make it much more intense and an actual way to make money.
  17. fuck sakes we need a marketing subforum for cc items, auctions and ingame deals to boost the economy.
  18. make it so a smod or admin sponsors you applying even though this will lead to some problems down the road, less apps will be made
  19. Put all the item based npcs (loot box, rsb, gen buyer) in the warehouses behind rdm arena and the rest in that building that everyone tries to base in, this way if new npcs are added there is a lot of room to put them in. The mailbox npc could be moved to the second fountain (park)
  20. Giving them long distance keypad range and making hackers/master raider have faster crack speed would probably work
  21. since when couldn’t you kill at fountain
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