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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. as Walter himself said this is an rp server and absolutely everything you do on it is rp :kappa:
  2. If the bounty hunters could have a button by their nameplates like the poller to give a random bounty instead of having to pickpocket, that would be cool.
  3. why not change potions / armor packs into a single item that you can bulk buy and nerf the item by giving a usage cooldown because when theyre usuable back to back you can be literally invincible
  4. exactly what is the point of basing nobody bases anymore if they do they stop after the first raid. the state of the server right now isn’t traditional darkrp.
  5. how is wanting to make basing less rarted being bad at making money?
  6. To be honest, getting rid of one way fences may be the way to go.
  7. Buff keypad crackers by making them faster and lockpicks a lil slower
  8. I’ve always thought “op base op raiding” was kind of dumb in darkrp. The experience for new players absolutely sucks.
  9. Lootbox npc should be moved to spawn alongside with this if it’s added, too many at fountain
  10. I was thinking of writing up a thread last night about this. Maybe once my internet is back up I’ll write up an entire thread on how to balance raiding and defending out.
  11. sounds like sugar should make the alchemist potions craft able in bulk
  12. I’ve used mostly everything mentioned and will try to give pros/cons for both Bandi: Pros free Cons Everything from bad quality to watermarks, I think u can pay for it but it’s some of the worst software I’ve ever used fraps Pros Quality,performance Cons Absolutely trash compression, leads to huge video files Have to pay for it or crack it Obs Pros Very customizable Great performance can stream/record or both Best compression out of all free Cons so many options if you don’t watch several tutorials or know what’s you’re doing you’re going to have a hard time setting it up Shadowplay I didn’t use this one a ton as I had obs working before I got my nvidia card Pros Performance Easy to configure Can stream or record (not sure if at same time) Cons compression is as bad or worse than fraps Playstv Never used it but bunzi reccomended it he’s the biggest minge out there so he definitely knows his stuff Overall I’d recommend trying obs/shadowplay/playstv the rest aren’t worth the time cracking sony Vegas isn’t a bad idea either
  13. also add a notification after the hit is accepted if the target changes
  14. Hits usually take 15-20 minute to find the person if they aren’t sitting at the fountain and most of the time they die, making hit more rewarding may make them more enjoyable. Raising the min/max Hitprice may make them less of a minge tool and make hitman actually apart of rp.
  15. cops breaking nlr makes pd raids more enjoyable while bunker busters haven’t been nerfed to my knowledge. pd raids are gay because bb’s are autowin
  16. OBS uses the least storage and doesn’t kill quality, it’s what I’ve used for years.
  17. this has been a bug for a long time
  18. i just want new buildings across the map and nerfing the most used ones. the new apartments in suburbs is a welcome change.
  19. Make it so kidnapping as a CC with a "model that can't raid" isn't possible. It's pretty stupid that bozo's can run around with ziggs and mastersword and a literal arsenal and be the size of a dwarf kidnapping anyone who walks around. and yes this is coming from a kidnapper
  20. hahahahaha there was a bug in a gamemode called gangrp or gangwars back in the day and there was a melee weapon called the candy cane where you could do the same exact thing, thats pretty fuckin dank
  21. this used to be how it was it was obviously removed because its obviously retarded
  22. I would like this as long as the money didn't drop, I think it should go right into your wallet, its hard enough getting processed drugs into that buyer.
  23. i have 2 rows of gun shipments and thats really all I need, maybe 2/3 of raids/materials and the rest I never really needed/used, I remember i had like 6 rows of santa weapons but I gave them all away one day and haven't used the space since. If anything I could see inventory size being reduced.
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