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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BRINGINGARMAGEDDON

  1. Description: Buying multiple shipments of adrenaline doesn't work How to reproduce: Try to purchase multiple adrenaline shipments Priority: Bug, Low System works for gundealers and supplier haven't tested for bmd yet
  2. Make a way to self destruct your boombox after X amount of seconds because I leave mine in old bases all the time and sometimes can't go back and destroy them.
  3. i don't think it really matters but mods should have it match for convenience.
  4. Make it so instead of testing guns through the cc shop, do it through the rdm arena by making a loadout system. Make it so you can spawn in with 3 guns of your choice with some sort of menu with a checkable box for random loadout.
  5. treat unfun as a demote if the reason isn't a valid rp reason it should be considered false demote and a warn for failrp
  6. default spot is bad because you can't see prop owners multi menu bug is obviously bad
  7. Yeah I guess, maybe making it so u can convert single guns into non-single shipments could help this a little bit? having 2 diff ships for 1 gun kinda clutters it up.
  8. That panel yeah, I have had 3 on my screen at one time. I thought you thought I meant the mayor panel or some shit.
  9. Like the golden printer, ALL gov. off.'s should get a small amount of money when a CP destroys a printer. Maybe like 2k each printer? VIP needs a def buff, having 6 dudes constantly swarming you with zoom swep and strong guns when you have like 400 hp and some meh guns isn't fair lol 2k hp, 1k armor and some actual guns might make it less of a struggle to actually win.
  10. I have like 3 screens at once and have to try and layer them overeach other so there isn't 3 seperate screens lmao, you can already move the little panel. I mean the Cp menu where u can call backup and shit
  11. Could you make the bank larger? It's smaller than the inventory which is odd because you'd expect the opposite usually.
  12. I think there should be more perks to being vip, maybe some of the following: Bigger Bank and Inventory size A little more fine money as CP More VIP exclusive stuff like a vehicle or something The only reason I bought VIP was for advanced dupe
  13. Some of the less used shotguns need a buff badly, a 3 shot kill pump at point blank is a little dumb, don't you think? The other winchester doesn't even hit correctly last time I used it. Something needs to be done because an AR/Sniper at all ranges is a bad meta.
  14. I think that the CP menu needs to spawn at a different part of the screen and the multi-screen bug needs to be fixed because it makes it difficult to see who owns the props of a base you're looking at.
  15. So last time I played the normal gundealers I found that they had some extra items suppliers didn't and that only gundealer has a gunstand. Shouldn't they all be somewhat consistent? I mean I'd get if BMD doesn't get a gunstand because its supposed to be illegal in rp but why doesn't the Supplier? Some people who play supplier set up shops sometimes?
  16. only problem is, this has never been a feature on darkrp from what I've seen, it may be a pain in the ass to make.
  17. Make it cost 5 mil instead of 10 mil to make your cc a cop/hitman cc, it is really lame to have to pay 10 mil which could be a weapon slot just to change your cc faction. Hitman you won't even profit off of for 2000 max priced hits.
  18. I was thinking more of a tab where u can pick "Cop Model" "Criminal Model" "Weapons"
  19. add 3 different tabs criminal models cop models weapons would be an easier way to organize also would just be nice in general to be able to tell which type of model ur buying
  20. Add or change a gang perk which makes it so you spawn with 150 of each ammo type whats ur guys opinion on this?
  21. this should NOT be a thing because many times I play as mayor and have mingey but ALLOWED laws and some mods will ask for the removal of a law that I am 100% sure is allowed. IF this became a command, it should be admin only.
  22. It'd be used for marketing CC's/perms/dupes and all sorts of stuff like that relating to ingame sales and discussion relating to the economy of the server.
  23. On my way home from school but I’ll list all the ones that would be beneficial Warrants,Wants,ULX,Purchases,Props,Mugging/Warns,Job Change,Inventory,Fine,Doors,Demote,Death/Damage,Full Chat,Arrest Might as well just apply for staff. shouldn't have to bother the staff every time u want to know who randomly warranted or wanted you because you missed the pop up.
  24. On my way home from school but I’ll list all the ones that would be beneficial Warrants,Wants,ULX,Purchases,Props,Mugging/Warns,Job Change,Inventory,Fine,Doors,Demote,Death/Damage,Full Chat,Arrest
  25. I have 15 Suga Dollas. You want 155k? I’ll be on in a couple hours,hit me up then :P
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