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zZzO G


zZzO G last won the day on December 4 2022

zZzO G had the most liked content!


About zZzO G

  • Birthday 08/11/2003


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  • IG Name
    zZzO G
  • Discord Tag
    O G#3255

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  1. hi edward I'm unbanned check out my rust content @ don huberto
  2. zZzO G


    if your old account isn't banned than you have to remove whatever phone number you have connected.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh8lt9vWWOVWj6J7OBSJiag my content is better
  4. degrading, removal of tokens from tier 2s, and processor shocking, killed basing.
  5. +1, if server ever reaches max pop just increase it back up. This is pretty much how every server on any game works, players rather join a server that seems full (like 69/90) rather than half full (64/128)
  6. zZzO G

    Hammy unban

    My friend, Hammy, has been banned for around 2-3 years. He has no way to appeal. Is there a way he could appeal possibly?
  7. You will be missed forever and always. The beautiful moments you shared with us will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
  8. I’d love to have the ones with the generator system.
  9. thats not the point. The point is that staff are being told something untrue. And my statement isn’t even about me exploiting, its about me not knowing that even a single NLR would get me re banned
  10. Actually, when I was unbanned I was told that being toxic again would get me re banned. I was not told about any other rule.
  11. IGN - hubert STEAM ID - STEAM_0:0:202180569 PLANS FOR HALLOWEEN - give out my boogers to people and tell them its candy.
  12. Quas sounds like that guy that doesn’t care you hurt your elbow
  13. you have to left click one of the items on your cc, bottom left, than click on edit items and look for the swep.
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