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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. Man, its like they hadn't actually changed and all the servers they were banned from were correct. Crazy man crazy
  2. But unfortunately it has taken a turn for that, I have never seen other Pd Mains block off the panel until these two, like I said it's nothing more to minging with stroking their ego's while constantly waiting outside spawn and cuff people. I don't get the blocking the panel still since they still get paid for people buying licenses and paying their bounty, but maybe a few warns and a ban from the server for a few days/Months might make them think probably not.
  3. See, you don't get it, he only obides by his own rules, he only listens to himself and not the mayor.
  4. You know they don't care they only care when theyre fired then go cry on the forums just for it to get denied
  5. You only started blocking the panel when new features were added such as pay bounty and buy a gun license so you can keep feeding your mingy ego, pretty cringe. For someone who is all about the PD main virginity you would think that having people pay their fines from a panel instead of risking getting shot at would make you happy.
  6. You better share, ill share some gorrila glue
  7. YA, Worst Day should just ban us liars already with a com ban, cause he knows the true haze, and how dare we speak of someone he never met ingame
  8. CERTIFIED Bitch License

  9. So I don't get a high five for announcing it? Damn, I was lied to.
  10. Now it makes sense, anyways I wasn't causing an issue obviously you ignore what I was pointing out, but I better not saying anything before I get another warning for something idiotic.
  11. Imagine sending your nudes to someone and casually saying it was a mistake, lmfao fucking clown
  12. While we're at it let's nerd your cc loadout, the sticky nades have a 5-7 second throw timer
  13. Now follow like haze and leave the community.

  14. Kek, Removed From Community.

  15. only way I've gotten it fixed beside reconnecting is having another CP non lethal me and wait for it to wear off, then all my sweps and guns work. Usually when I die while stunned my ads from my m4a1 scoped is fucked
  16. The mod the speaks what the other two admins did was Bs. Respect

  17. For the sheer fact your name is Spartan.
  18. Aww your friend got banned maybe you should follow him.

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