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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. Ya, I totally can't see anyone not abusing this feature mainly you since your lack of "listen to mayor" even if you don't abuse it someone will, hell when revolt and unfun was implemented people were abusing it and loopholing it.
  2. Then all that's needed is to remove that vote system, can't keep track of which jobs is and isn't VIP
  3. Calling someone arrogant, pot calling the kettle black, most of the suggestions except for a few example smoke are pure garbage, juggernut being forced to a vote is intentionally done cause him alone when dealing with a pd raid and a good pd base dupe makes it impossible, maybe lock it behind VIP rank only so no randoms can just come on to mass rdm, and chief of police, dude you already have an issue with literally stating you will not listen to the mayor who is in charge of pd so no I don't believe commander should have any say in firing pd cause it would be heavily abused. Most of suggestions just scream CP main wanting a broken pd, hell if you have a competent enough cp all these suggestions are irrlevant, Especially with the custom class police class which make a huge difference, maybe you should have suggested a custom class PD for vips that you can go into with swep suggestions.
  4. Why do you even question what he gets banned for anymore?
  5. Just wait till I get back on in a few days you, you can chill and joke with me lmfao. I've been gone for a long time, but I ain't gonna not be a troll
  6. Shouldn't you be out getting some hoes.
  7. sounds like a typical day on titsrp.
  8. [video=youtube] @"Walter the Assaulter" @"Mads"
  9. You will be back and maybe you can play waw with me and herb or csgo with me,herb,amd doc
  10. So what if they are using adrenaline and max health potion with armor them being tiny just makes it harder to hit, I agree with not allowing them to kidnap or since ik you love you tiny models sewer not allowing them to use potions.
  11. The only furry I can actually tolerate.
  12. Bug Description: As mayor you are unable to build/Spawn anything inside of pd that includes using advance dupe idk if that's what was changed also apparently the mayor can rob PD How to reproduce: Become mayor and try to spawn anything in mayors office. Priority: Medium
  13. 389.15 hours My other hours are on another server
  14. Welcome to Hölle Interesting nice profanity censoring.
  15. I mean last time I was mayor for 2 or 3 hours there wasn't rdm or nlr, totally wasn't from my dictator like laws and having most of the server as my CP
  16. So, how is it scammy? They aren't forcing you to buy anything you have to literally walk up to the cart and press E to buy. So removing them is dumb just because you want guns to be extremely cheap maybe actually grind so you can afford them.
  17. Run, while you can still leave before they claim your soul.
  18. Dear Caleb, Resignation has been declined now get back to work, before we get the whips out. Seriously though you're not resigning.
  19. Eventually you will hit puberty
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