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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. Pretty sure tharst also what staff are for is it not. Not simply trying to advertise your channel
  2. All you need to do is heavily study for it get plenty of rest and eat before it and some caffeine, but not too much just enough to perk you up and you should do fine
  3. Hopefully you studied and got plenty of sleep. Also don't fall for them fucking math essay questions
  4. Lord Cursed


    Damn should have taken that Study Drug.
  5. Lord Cursed

    A new era

    No Juan will miss him
  6. Hey remember next week it will be something new to nick pick at
  7. Honestly making a mountain out of a mole hill here is it wrong yes, is it being blown out of proportion yes and no. It's the internet and taking anything to heart piklas no smartass retorts pls is stupid I mean look how many people who claimed they were offended by my name which is a literal meme heck it's like me getting offended over pentagrams cause I'm Catholics. It's just people trolling trying to piss you off, but it only becomes and issue when they're full on harrassing you and if it bothers you just ignore it eventually they get bored and try a different tactic. Last time people were getting triggered over the Nazi flag when the symbol used wasn't even created by the Nazi's in the first place. I'm not pro Nazi or anything heck before this people would get pissed off about upside dowdown crosses the moral of this is like I said is it wrong possibly are they just meming and being trolls most definitely should you care if they're not hurting anyone and not saying stupid shit in the chat no you shouldn't now if they are then ya lite their asses on fire with a nice dank sit other than that seeing this stuff really isn't uncommon now a days itsi just not letting that stuff bother you and heck I have two friends who play with me on the server who one is from Berlin and is Jewish and the other is Jewish and they find it hilarious. Honestly if you don't like it message sugar then people will purposely do it just to get your go look at how many peoplr purposely say the n word in chat or mic just for shits and giggles. And honestly Jewish faith isn't the only one that gets crapped on letting you get upset over petty stuff like this people who are legitimately trolling to get your goat is why they do it and I put a Nazi flag over my base to trigger people and as a joke but then again itsi a joke
  8. I honestly Don't see a problem with it unless they're are going full blow discrimination base on race and literally attacking people who are Jewish, and if they aren't does it really matter or even effected you. Are you looking at the flag and saying hey that's a racist flag and it offends me or is it the group itself. But if they're going full blown harrassing players based on religion then that's not bueno I do it in a joking manner and my Nazi flag is meant to trigger people you know good old trolling.
  9. He speaks the truth :3 I always do
  10. As Pianist you can get xp for every song you play correctly or just play fully.
  11. this is why sugar should never leave us alone for more than 5 seconds
  12. The only question I have is why would you need two accounts?
  13. Moist enough with that crap and wb
  14. Plot twist Cause this server is secretly all gay
  15. Juan of us Juan of us Juan of us
  16. Walter cheating at a fist fight when he's about to die and then pulls out a gun and blows his load all over my face and then saying he never cheated
  17. Putting up swastikas then being called to a sit over some kid trolling saying he's Jewish and it's offensive and demanding I change my name from Ult Instinct Aryan God Hitler to something else cause it's offensive too, honestly you be surprised how many times this happens.
  18. You could always post a ban appeal instead of whatever this shit show is, but you do you mate.
  19. Don't like you gave sugar tits a Griffin and also 100%
  20. Hm. I see what you did there. I understand that you might not like me but I would appreciate it if you just let me be. I respect you, and your opinion. Sorry you feel like that. Please do not comment on my posts. I am no longer intrigued on your input. It doesn't matter you cannot tell someone not to comment on your post cause you don't like them my tip was very helpful and true being power hungry is sign of you're not being ready any staff would agree with that and it was a tip for eveyone, there is a balance between too much and too little once you find it then you'll look alot more appealing to the ones reviewing the staff applications. Your tip was directed at me. I respect you. Please do the same with me. If that's what you think that's your business not mine
  21. Hm. I see what you did there. I understand that you might not like me but I would appreciate it if you just let me be. I respect you, and your opinion. Sorry you feel like that. Please do not comment on my posts. I am no longer intrigued on your input. It doesn't matter you cannot tell someone not to comment on your post cause you don't like them my tip was very helpful and true being power hungry is sign of you're not being ready any staff would agree with that and it was a tip for eveyone, there is a balance between too much and too little once you find it then you'll look alot more appealing to the ones reviewing the staff applications.
  22. Here's a tip don't try being an over achiever trying to stand out more by responding to people's ban appeal or reports even though you're not in any way shape or form involved comes off as power hungry which looks extremely bad and will make you more likely to be denied.
  23. Happy birthday now lets get the strippers and cocaine
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