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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. Dude alot of people when they find their model is either broken or glitchy will abuse the living fuck out of it until sugar fixes ig
  2. why not both? I don't play videogames to be afk 50% of my time playing them. why don't you come up with something useful to say instead of saying stupid and predictable shit that has already been said and disputed several times in the thread? Maybe remove kidnapping so these whiny adults could play their video games!!!!!!!!! Kidnapping doesn't need to be changed since it's been nerfed into the ground. It's your fault for being kidnapped all the time, I only get kidnapped by mass kidnappers when I'm tabbed out or just fucking about in OOC. If you get kidnapped in RP you're a master at not being aware of your surroundings. PS: I forgot to add that my opinion does matter mingy peanut. True most of the time the kidnappers get gunned down but literally everyone and what I don't get is why is the person suggesting this, I haven't even seen them even actually rp on the server other than to fire me from CP a sshit ton of times, but most of the time usually hands out on top of a building surrounded well anyways the point is I wouldn't mind basing to come back strong, but kidnapping is also the best way to get xp for suga dollars since ranging from xp and if you're the only gang member on and your perks you get 1-4 xp for the kidnap and if you're sacrificing you get additional xp, wanting kidnapping removed or nerfed would remove maybe some player bases that's left. Other than some people who stil farm and that would leave xp grinding for hackers to literally just spam cp demotes from the mayor console and etc. So in a way even the minge kidnappers are rping cause in real life a kidnapper does have to hold a random or even let you go. So just questioning why does it need to be nerfed any further than it is
  3. As you are one of the kidnappers on the server, your view on the subject is extremely biased on it. And the your point as "Your a moderator you should know this" Any time I would or did confront someone who was fail bassing Id be blasted and told to go fuck off, No other staff seem to see it as a problem which is everyones excuse to it. Ever heard if pulling them to a magical place called sit land and handling the there, I saw walter catch big tits using a black out base for kidnapping and after he says it big ttits immediately deletes it and wasn't seen again that was yesterday I've never seen you ever really have a full rp at all just sit on top of a tall building the whole time while taking sits, yet I've only believe I personally managed to kidnap you once cause usually you have quite the interesting crowd around you gunning people down who dare to kidnap you. Anyways kidnapping has always being a shitty situation well for the victim if the kidnapper succeeds and shitty for the kidnapper if he fails. Lately most of the time if not early in the morning kidnapping is literally always a guaranteed for the kidnapper to get gunned down. And claiming biased tsk tsk I've told Walter to fuck off once when I was doing something and decided to make an example out of me. You're staff you have power to make people adhere to the rules simple as that.
  4. Honestly I don't even know you, but seeing from that report I can get a generalized idea, but then again my memory is that of a senior citizen with Alzheimer's
  5. Not what he is saying I've literally seen most of the people including a couple of rare gang members just mass kidnap people or kidnap same people over and over again just for shits and giggles while some are doing it for xp, most of the time it's just to do it. And for that raiding thing I believe raiding that person repeatedly back to back is classified as minging anyways back to the topic at hand people who are kidnapped are also risking their lives cause most of the time the kidnapper just gets mowed down. And yes it might be a bit mingey doing it, but kidnapping has always been a dick move here's a easy way to deal with it just be alert and attentive, but at the deli gang? Pretty sure I've seen them do exactly the thing you hate, but there is already a cool down for kidnapper and person being kidnapped and not to mention that kidnapper can be instantly gunned down by anyone watching or just seeing him carry the body so I really don't see much of a problem with it than you getting upset over being kidnapped.
  6. So your sexy big titty model is on sale for how much
  7. Sooo how much money did you waste on loot crates?
  8. Most of the time people don't even get the error and just a invisible player and when that player is told their model is broken they well do not care and trying to letdl say counter any of their things such as a raid like two days ago someone who had been informed about their model being glitched also had been infirinf by a staff member proceeded to do raids and such like knifu said using a broken model that either you physically cannot see or broken hitboxes to conduct a raid, and etc. Which pretty sure Id think it would be count as explioting since the person was informed but didn't care
  9. Adding a new job that counters batman either making it bane or the joker. They can openly attack batman whenever they see him and they can also uncuff anyone batman stops from doing illegal activities and if it's bane have a swep called back breaker. And just have a sound file played whenever it's used and it can render batman either unconscious or stunned like the effects of being kidnapped
  10. Well I bought suga dollars I'll send the screen shot in a bit bought I reloged twice and even refreshed data I got nothing and it took my quest tokens
  11. Bug Description: Buying stuff from question shop doesn't give item How to reproduce: Just have at least 10 quest coins and try to buy suga dollars or anything else then relog or wait a few minutes before relogging to not get said item. Priority: Medium
  12. Lord Cursed


    I mean you did just never post but doubt 1-2 weeks will have drama blow over.
  13. Whoa you wanna go bro fight me 1v1 for glory only sudden death no clothing. Let’s go then When I get done with you, your asshole is going to look like ground zero Whoa you wanna go bro fight me 1v1 for glory only sudden death no clothing. Let’s go then I'll get the popcorn I want a front row seat Be careful the first row is a splash zone
  14. Dude you have no fucking idea play on here for a few years I was a manager for another gmod group and trust me this is mild compared to that, I literally had to fucking perma ban staff from the shoutbox cause they would constantly be little cunt nuggets, dont get me started on the oh ttt counter strike is superior bs they had three ttt servers btw, everyday I was tempted to blow my fucking brains out that's how bad it was.
  15. Whoa you wanna go bro fight me 1v1 for glory only sudden death no clothing.
  16. Can anyone say banned alt account
  17. The sonic swep is different it's not the same as the previous swep i've used both. there's not really any way to abuse this it would just be a fun class to be on I can make a video of me using the swep if you'd like We literally don’t allow speed sweps in rp. In what right mind would you think that a speed swep for a cop would be ok tho? Idk why you're taking a hostile approach I didn't say HEY GUYS ADD THIS TO THE GAME NOW WE NEED IT, I was trying to introduce a fun and new idea all it is right now is an idea to possibly make the server better which is what the suggestions thread is for, i've been nice to all of you idk why you guys are still insulting me :\ Mate to be fair you did literally treat people like shit and left a very sour Taste in alot of people's mouths, did you honestly expect them to instantly not call you out constantly, I mean seriously think about what you did and then think to yourself if the shoe was on the opposite foot would I do the same. And next the job literally has no purpose there's a swep called zoom not sure if it was removed that make you run like a crack head. Just not understanding the whole point of the job.
  18. Actually have rules for randomly firing up as mayor for well petty reasons, I've noticed that some mayor's will just fire cp for literally non rp reasons or just cause they don't like how that cop role plays even if it's correctly. Had quit a long discussion with Jason Bourne and Rigbe about it. We're one mayor was firing cp for doing their job and fining people, but only fire one person thus some sort of rule structure should be added to the mayor firing cp. Cause you can literally fire a cp for literally anything just simple just putting dick for the reason why you fired them or stopping a mayor from mass firing all cp.
  19. Lord Cursed


    I give it like 3-6 days before you get hit with a perma
  20. Sugar punishes those who resign by removing their VIP, he doesn't take kindly to turn coats. Jk sugar will probably fix it when he can.
  21. Adding a reason to to unfun would make it less abused but people would still abuse it unless you add actual rp rules against false unfun votes
  22. Lord Cursed


    UNCLEAN UNCLEANNNN FILTHY FUCKING PEASANT UNCLEAN. I need stop playing GTA with my German friends
  23. Lord Cursed


    Hi welcome to McDicks famous for our Mctits sandwich with our home made sugar tit fries We must make this come true +1 For Strike let the people be heard.
  24. Sorry to say you now have Stage 5 cancer as well
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