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Is it possible to have your warns appealed by showing good behaviour?

North Bear

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hecko, since I hit 32 warns this week I was wondering if by any chance it is possible to get warns removed by showing good behaviour? I had not been warned for about 8 months untill some weeks ago and immediately recieved a 2 week ban since I didnt get one at 25.

I also saw some warns were given before a game mechanic had been added to deal with its problem, ex spawning in a prop while being kidnapped, is it possible to appeal those?

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 By the way, what if said staff is now an ex staffmember?


Even if they are an ex-staff member, if the warns were false you should've dealt with them when it happened, otherwise there's nothing anyone can do. You're more likely to get warns taken away by the staff who issued them that are still staff because they're actually around to give their opinion.


Warns are a permanent record, they're more than just slaps on the wrist if you amass enough. If your behavior becomes better than you won't be warned anymore and it will be okay.


If it's just to get a clean record, people will know you are a good player if you are a good player, regardless of your past warns. A clean record doesn't really matter that much.

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