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Should this really be allowed?


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The Nazis were a political party. Hitler was apart of that. Hitler is the bad guy. Not all Nazis were bad. You’re taking this out of proportion and being ridiculous.



Hey remember next week it will be something new to nick pick at

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I want to remind everyone that the argument is that what you allow you attract, I think that people who are trying to be a troll and be racist is going to use nazi jokes since it is allowed on the server. I don't really care that much if someone says they are a nazi, perfect example is Infamous echo who's ingame name is hitler but when you're clearly making references to racial extermination that to me is the same situation as saying any of the racial slurs that were banned off the server, some people will try to use the excuse that nazi jokes are allowed to be racist, which is the same reason we now have a 0 tolerance on those racial slurs. 


I don't personally take offense but considering what sugar has said about how he wants the server to be run which i partially agree with this just seems like you're disallowing 1 thing but not the other so the same people abusing the banned thing are now abusing the thing that is allowed.

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My opinion on this is: "no, I don't think this should be allowed." Why? Well, you have to understand, there are people who can get offended quite easily about this type of thing. Sure, you can say "It's the internet, grow up" but is it really a good thing to say regardless of what platform it's being stated on? No, not really. Nazi Propaganda is one of the most dumbest things I've seen lately. I even had a sit about this and since there isn't a rule about it, I was neutral against it. People usually take their RP too seriously and say things that can REALLY offend a player - which isn't tolerated in my opinion. Of course people have their own beliefs about a certain thing but I feel as if something along the lines of this  shouldn't be allowed. Though none of this personally offends me, there are a few players in our community who can be offended greatly by this and newer players. Imagine a new player that just joined the server and sees one of the "signs". What if it offends them? Think about it. As I said before, people have their own opinions / beliefs and I respect that. But I just don't think it's right to put up something that is against a group of people. It just doesn't seem right. This server wasn't made to just be a racist / offensive community. There are plenty of other servers to do that on.

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In all reality everything no matter what it is, it's double standered. I personally don't see any problem, I dont get offended by much but as for it; people choose to get offended by some things, just to cause a scene sometimes. Something extra to talk about, or cause more drama. Thats all anything political racial or opinion based does, cause problems. The big thing thats a problem, is people get offended by things that dont effect them. A friend of mine from israel, who is jewish from another DARKRP server helped me make a "NAZI HEADQUARTERS" thats coming from a jewish person himself, completly unaffected. Things are only ever offensive when you give words phrases or symbols power, elsewise its just a word phrase or symbol. I understand if you are jewish and your mother died in the holocaust why you would be offended by these types of things. It just does not directly affect you. You can be offended, but its just your opinion is something you have to keep in mind.

Im sure things you find acceptable and or funny would heavily offend another person, thats why keep what you say in moderation. Its something I try to do. A filter so persay, unless there are people going around harassing players, mic spamming hitler speeches and acting like idiots, I never have seen any issues. Most likely a bunch of children who subscribe to too many dank meme pages on instagram, but then again who lets a symbol or a word offend you, if it has no direct ties to you? This is just the way I feel, I dont see much wrong with it. Im sure others will feel differently, and thats okay. Its always up to sugar on the lines of "is this allowed" but asking opinions, I dont get easily offended by things that dont directly affect me and arn't hurting others.

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It's a really stupid thing to get offended about in my opinion.


We have a terrorist job on the server whose ssole purpose is to kill as many cops and civilians as possible.


We have a pedophile job on the server who is meant to kidnap and rape people.


Do you not think someone could be offended by things like that? Anything can be offensive to someone.


If its being used in RP, it shouldn't matter how horrible it is in concept.




Its not like they are actually bringing back the killing of jews.

Besides, you fucking idiots give each other shit all the time. Calling each other faggots and whatnot. I'm sure there are plenty of gay people around, but we haven't banned the word faggot yet. Should we ban everything that could be considered offensive? Because THAT seems significantly more of a Nazi action than a bit of RP.

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Wait so concentration camps are allowed but the n-word isn't?

The argument "Its just a game" stands with everything you do basically..


The n-word refers mostly to the black tinted people being low-lifes and comes from the 1940's when colored people had to be seperated from the others. This was about the same time when Jews were gassed, burnt, shot and worked to death in these camps. The colored people are still offended by the n-word while in modern times they have the same rights as every other so why shouldn't jews be offended by it.


The terrorists job does no represent/reflect a normal terrorist that much and is bound to a lot of rules.

Pedophiles are standard AOS so there is a rule bound to that as well.


So with all these rules bound to these jobs and not being allowed to say the N-word, I'd say give this a rule too.

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To me it really depends on how they are used ingame. For example, is the anti-jew pro-nazi RP/Flag pushed in peoples faces, essentially forced upon them? Or is this taking place in a secluded corner like the church area. If it is it's own contained RP and not required of people to be a part of then it should be fine. Sugar said "Do it among your friends if you want but not in public" (Not 100% accurate quote) regarding the N-word, so it should probably apply to this too.

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I'm with what < said. It's a double standard no matter which way you go. On one hand you have people screaming "its a video game who cares" and the other part who is like "why is that allowed / being allowed".


Racism doesn't effect me. I don't care if someone says derogatory terms unless they fully mean it and they are seriously meaning harsh things about another race. This doesn't effect me either. But it doesn't matter about what effects me or you. Its for the people who do care about it. Some people will say "Wow this is really stupid, why is this allowed". Along with that, allowing stuff like this just degrades the quality of the community. Those people are just either really insensitive or have a serious connection to those events in some shape or form. You don't know their life.


Have you ever joined a server on any game and just saw racism / destructive events fly with no repercussions? Where players, staff members or even the owners decide that "its a video game who cares what people say, stop being so sensitive". Servers like that just have a bad image and I don't know how else to explain it. Its like there is no structure for what is right and wrong. Is it right to say those things? Of course not. Is it always right to be upset about it if you obviously don't mean it? I don't think so, everyone jokes around and words / events can be used as being silly. But that is also why I say if you're going to be silly and joke around, do it in private, not public.


Making fun of school shootings, events like 9/11, holocaust, terms that degrade another race is NOT okay. I can't stop you from saying shit in private but do NOT do it in public on my Christian GMOD server


So no, they aren't allowed. If it's tied to some event and you obviously know what you're doing, you're gonna get slammed

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