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Should this really be allowed?


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Literally remaking a concentration camp for exterminating a race. Asked in ooc and representative of the staff team said it was ok since being a jew isn't a race.

I'm ok with someone saying for example "I'm a nazi im so stern" as a joke but this is just plain racism imo especially considering that saying the n-word is considered racist because it represents slavery and mass extinction of black people.


This is a discussion, is this/should this be allowed? Is it hypocritical or isn't it racist at all? Opinons please but try to take a standpoint fo server health.


My opinion is that since 1 thing was banned the same people trying to be racist are now doing this to circumvetn the system, in the words of sugar " You attract what you but out and allow and I don't want any of it."

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I honestly Don't see a problem with it unless they're are going full blow discrimination base on race and literally attacking people who are Jewish, and if they aren't does it really matter or even effected you. Are you looking at the flag and saying hey that's a racist flag and it offends me or is it the group itself. But if they're going full blown harrassing players based on religion then that's not bueno I do it in a joking manner and my Nazi flag is meant to trigger people you know good old trolling.

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Being jewish is considered both a race and a religion. The way I see it, if you disallow users to use racial slurs/ideologies against blacks, then slurs/ideologies against all other races should also be disallowed

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Honestly making a mountain out of a mole hill here is it wrong yes, is it being blown out of proportion yes and no. It's the internet and taking anything to heart piklas no smartass retorts pls is stupid I mean look how many people who claimed they were offended by my name which is a literal meme heck it's like me getting offended over pentagrams cause I'm Catholics. It's just people trolling trying to piss you off, but it only becomes and issue when they're full on harrassing you and if it bothers you just ignore it eventually they get bored and try a different tactic. Last time people were getting triggered over the Nazi flag when the symbol used wasn't even created by the Nazi's in the first place. I'm not pro Nazi or anything heck before this people would get pissed off about upside dowdown crosses the moral of this is like I said is it wrong possibly are they just meming and being trolls most definitely should you care if they're not hurting anyone and not saying stupid shit in the chat no you shouldn't now if they are then ya lite their asses on fire with a nice dank sit other than that seeing this stuff really isn't uncommon now a days itsi just not letting that stuff bother you and heck I have two friends who play with me on the server who one is from Berlin and is Jewish and the other is Jewish and they find it hilarious. Honestly if you don't like it message sugar then people will purposely do it just to get your go look at how many peoplr purposely say the n word in chat or mic just for shits and giggles.

As a Jewish person myself I think it is terrible that people can be kicked/banned for racism against blacks, but there is nothing against my religion. I am glad somebody brought this up.


And honestly Jewish faith isn't the only one that gets crapped on letting you get upset over petty stuff like this people who are legitimately trolling to get your goat is why they do it and I put a Nazi flag over my base to trigger people and as a joke but then again itsi a joke

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Well, there is a difference between "RP" and "Being a total dumbass"





Were they going around pestering people calling them racial slurs and breaking rules? Or were they simply acting as Nazi's?


I get it it's still being racist, except they are doing it in a good way and not being total dumbass about it. As a player I personally like the idea of people RP'ing historical "figures" as long as they don't act like idiots.




Of course, the whole situation is pretty borderline. But as a player I believe stuff done like this and being "Checked" on should be allowed.



As a staff member Im confused, but Sugar has the final word and I wanna hear his idea on the situation.

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Literally remaking a concentration camp for exterminating a race. Asked in ooc and representative of the staff team said it was ok since being a jew isn't a race.

I'm ok with someone saying for example "I'm a nazi im so stern" as a joke but this is just plain racism imo especially considering that saying the n-word is considered racist because it represents slavery and mass extinction of black people.


do you know how many people die in one day of a DarkRP server?

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