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Neko Sam | Loli Lover


Neko Sam | Loli Lover last won the day on April 14 2017

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About Neko Sam | Loli Lover

  • Birthday 02/27/1998


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  1. No. Exactly like Wanted said, If we allow that people are gonna buy smaller PM's use the command then eat talismans and become pretty much unkillable. Kidnapping, helping their friends in X ways, etc. In those PM's? Nope.
  2. VoidRp I will be changing tomorrow onwards. Jokes aside, I don't get what people mean by "Sits are exhausting me". Is doing sits really hard? I mean, you don't have to constantly take EVERYTHING THAT COMES UP. if you are alone on the server then its kind of a huge "Yes" since...well...you are the only one who can help people. But that doesn't mean you can't ask for help on the forums/Discord. I recommend taking sits from time to time, and when there is like 3 sits on the top left. Just take one, its simple. Whenever I see 3 sits on the left, as soon as ONE PERSON claims one, the rest gets claimed immediatly. If you only do sits non-stop you ARE GONNA GET TIRED QUICKLY. Just go at your pace, but don't take too much nor not enough.
  3. I type in rainbow fashion to keep the reading interesting. Reading a huge block of white grey text is boring and unappealing.
  4. Hi, My name is NekoSam and I'd like to take a bit of your time to talk about me as a Player/Staff member. In this post, I won't be really talking about my staff rank,but more of my plans related to my presence, I will post more of that in the Staff only section. I want to post this "announcement" to make you guys understand my goals for my future, related to this server and community. Im a Head-Admin, for the people who didn't knew. I cannot blame you since I went away for a long time. This guy -> And for my third goal, which is linked to the Forums/Discord, is to be MORE CONNECTED TO THE COMMUNITY. I always had a tendency to simply do my stuff and while it worked for a long time, with this new community I cannot do the same. Server has changed alot since I became staff and I must change my ways too. Being more in touch with the community means I will know people more, and is a must from now on. DO NOT be afraid to talk to me about various stuffs/opinions on others, I can't know everyone all by himself! With that keep in mind I might do dumb goofs and I want you guys to smack me if Im dumb, Of course I will try my best to do my best but do try to keep in mind Im a huge retard. I have other ideas and subject But I'd rather keep this short. This is more like an announcement than a discussion, and would like to keep it this way. If you wanna talk about stuffs more deeply, please go ahead and contact me. I will be making my post in Admin chat shortly, So if you see this after I post it, I'll be most likely still be typing. If you see this in the future and you are a staff member, I would STRONGLY recommend going on the Staff team section to see my second accouncement to you guys! TL;DR Along with the king community update, our boi Neko came back and hopefully won't be a huge retard prior to last time he was active. He will try his best to re-become part of the community he loves so much and for that will need support. So don't be afraid to talk to him!
  5. Hmmm Well, there is a difference between "RP" and "Being a total dumbass" Were they going around pestering people calling them racial slurs and breaking rules? Or were they simply acting as Nazi's? I get it it's still being racist, except they are doing it in a good way and not being total dumbass about it. As a player I personally like the idea of people RP'ing historical "figures" as long as they don't act like idiots. Of course, the whole situation is pretty borderline. But as a player I believe stuff done like this and being "Checked" on should be allowed. As a staff member Im confused, but Sugar has the final word and I wanna hear his idea on the situation.
  6. April 4th Changelog Banned no gravity props, spawning a bunch of props then letting them fly everywhere in town ruins some people's FPS.
  7. Date a live was ok, I have tohka and yoshino as playermodels ingame, I'll have to show them to you at some point. Otherwise enjoy the server!
  8. Since a new rank has been added this whole situation has been "solved" And so, Im gonna close the poll. Thanks to everyone who put their thoughts on the situation! Stuffs like this is beneficial for the server and I hope to see all of you again on the server! POLL HAS BEEN CLOSED, THANKS FOR ALL THE FEEDBACK!
  9. Its just a generic fantastic woman, It's so normie there's nothing to be made fun of. Get an actual nice avatar and then I can start considering a roast. Also, anyone who wants to roast my Yoshikage Kira better be prepared for the shitstorm about to hit on you after you post it. http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Yoshikage_Kira
  10. I tried talking to sugar about Admin promotions and he told me I should get the community's opinion on the matter, so here we are. And well, if you do come back Blac, It would mean we'd have 3 active admins (Gent,Walter and you). And considering how huge the staff team is getting having ~5 active admin would be good in my opinion. (Ok yeah its not THAT huge but hey) Also, the "poll" above is not the ACTUAL vote. When I do compile results Im not looking at that for actual "data". That's simply for lazy people and/or new players who simply wants to add their thoughts. I asked for people to post reasonings, hours and all for a reason. Im sorry to everyone for not giving information on such a huge issue. (Anyone could vote, not having the 30 hours limit) And im lowkey curious, Why shouldn't this be decided by a poll? Because people are going to vote for admins? I mean isn't that the point, to get the opinion of the community? I tried making it to 30 hours so the opinion comes with people with basic knowledge of the server. It would have sucked more if me and sugar simply decided "Oh yeah we are getting new admins fuck all of you guys". I can't please everyone with my actions and I apologise if you don't agree with me. But making the choice exclusively mine and sugar would suck ALOT trust me. If I decided to make the vote staff exclusive Im pretty sure the same thing would have happened, "Everyone voting for new admins" and less people voting than me making this public. And by that "same thing would have happened" Im bringing my short second topic, The aftermath of this vote. Im not gonna hide it, while making this thread I was 80% sure the vote would "pass". And im partially right. If I want to make a change in the server and 80% of the people are happy while triggering the 20%, I'll take it. I cannot please everyone when I take "drastic" decisions like this. While I still don't have an idea how Im gonna proceed if it does pass, I know for a fact its not gonna only me and Sugar picking people we personally like. I might do a second poll or personally talk with people I have no idea. But for now this poll still has 10 days to go. Im too lazy to write more right now and make it colourful and all So im gonna let it at that, If you think what Im saying is wrong feel free to PM me and let's have a nice talk together.
  11. hecko User/Staff ! We are holding a poll to see if the community as a whole thinks we need new admins in the staff ranks. The "rules" are very simple. Anyone with more than 30 hours can vote, We need opinions and well, I would like to hear the thoughts of people that has at least some knowledge of the server/staff's team and so on. Im not trying to be mean to new players but what you would want? The opinion of someone with 50 hours or someone with 2 hours? With that explained, Along with "For new admins" or "Against new admins" I would like to ask you to give your reasoning. Why do you want new admins? What do you think new admins could bring? Why do you think that having new admins would be useless? And so on. Im not gonna make a format and what not since its pretty much boring for a poll. But do remember, Try to keep it constructive and smart. Not "DUH I THINK I SHOULD GET ADMIN XDDDD" Comments like that will be simply deleted and not looked at. Simply put, I talked with Sugar about promoting new people to Admin since we have practically no admins online. Yeah we have Walter and Gent (I don't see him often on my side please tell me if im wrong). But it's not nearly enough considering how huge our T-mod/Mod team is. Having at least 2 new admins would help the server (and me) ALOT. Having 2 more admins means 2 extra pairs of arms and brains. The thing is, When we get new admins they most of the time simply leave right after getting it. This has happened to MOST NOT ALL admins we currently have. So if we do promote 2 people what tells us they are gonna stay? They got admin, so what's next for them? And end up leaving because of it. There's also the utility of admins. Im not saying we don't need them but then again. You guys have me, Walter and gent and sugar. We might not be THE BEST higher ups ever but I think we do our job properly. So what's the point of having more admins? Helping us I guess? There are pros and cons on each side. If we promote player X to admin, and half the community don't think he deserves it, what's gonna happen? Are people gonna try to get him demoted and what not? Promoting people to Admin is a good idea but then be tricky in practice. Which is why we think holding a poll would be a good idea. If this shows up to be a bad idea we can always stop this and move on. Nothing can't be fixed! And finally, for the "Format" (Not really one but it's for the looks departement ok?) If you wish to see your hours then click here! https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Hours Played : Vote : (For new admins / Against new admins) Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y) The vote will end in 2 weeks. Which will be the 26th at 11:59 PM. After that I will be compiling the data and come with the results. If the vote "fails" this matter ends here and we will move on as usual. If it "Passes" then I will start "phase 2" which will choose who gets promoted. I still need to think about Phase 2 but for now let's focus on this. I wish to all of you a fantastic day!
  12. B-hopping around with batclaw. Source engine was made for b-hopping.
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