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Remove The Ban On Selling/Buying In-game Money


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This might come as a surprise because advertising buying/selling DarkRP cash for IRL cash has been banned for quite a while. When I first saw Sugar going against it in 2020 in some threads I never thought he would actually ban it. From my perspective it was beneficial for both parties of the trade and had no negative repercussions.




These are the 2 main threads where you can view Sugar's arguments and other users either against it or for it.  


1 :




I will try to make out Sugar's arguments in sections for it to be easier to understand.



1- "I want people to play on the server for as long as possible."

Sugar said : 

"When you give player's the option to basically reach end game right away by having 30+ mil, their time played will be severely decreased. Look at player's who have actually purchased money from people (I know who they are) and a good amount of them have basically quit at this point or have turned around and started selling the money they purchased already.

Removing the sale of in game money has no negative consequence other losing players who play on the server that have the one goal of cashing out.

EDIT: The other bullet point of it taking revenue away from the server is also big. You guys want more content but we simply don't have enough funds to hire more developers. It's just me producing new content and I work a full time job + have my own things I am interested in outside of TitsRP."


This "option" is already given by the server itself, you can buy 30+mil worth of suga dolla so the first part of this argument is already void. He made an edit to specify that it removes revenue which is a fair point and I will be talking about it more in detail later. 


I would argue the complete opposite, if you want people to play for as long as possible selling/buying is a great way to do it. I myself have been selling back in 2019 some of my cash. I had I think around 70mil back then with no personal CC I wasn't at the "end game" like Sugar tries to make it sound. People who are willing to buy usually will play more than the average player and this should be obvious. Buying cash for new players from other players was a way to bond with the community as a new player. Most of the people I sold cash to asked me question on how to make money, how to do certain things and some of them added me on steam and saw them play for over 1 year+. Not only do new players play more often but the old players play WAY more because it's usually this competitive mind set that makes them play on this server.


I want to address the "End game" sugar makes reference to. DarkRP has many ways to play itself and usually the Owner chooses how it goes. As for TitsRP you can choose the path that suits you, goofing around and roleplaying or be competitive. Sadly the competitive scene has fallen because of this ban. There is no powerful incentive to be competitive and base anymore. I know people who never base and just roleplay and that's fine but you deleted a part of the community which also had their fun and their own way which was being competitive in basing/rading.


2- "It stops people from basing for 20 hours a day inflating the economy and selling their "hard earned cash" for IRL money (hence why people have broken the 300 mil limit which hasn't been broken for 5+ years) but has been broken within 2 months because some people have been basing for 20+ hours a day"


Sugar tries to pin the economy's inflation onto people who sell/buy darkrp cash for IRL money. Ironically enough 1 year after the ban we have demolished this 300mil record. I got the statistics of 2018 and 2021 and the difference is HUGE. The top 3 riches people right now have 1 billion+ and 26 players have 100mil+ compared to 2018 where only 8 people had 100mil+. Weirdly enough this was when proccesors were OP but the economy was still way less inflated than today. I would argue that selling/buying DarkRP cash made rich people spread their wealth to new player and other players who would spend their money on CC or  other things that would at least remove some cash from the economy.


To be fair there are many factors that could cause this inflation and we don't have good stats to prove either of our points but I still think that selling/buying would help dissipate the money and not hoard it.



3- "At the end of the day, it's more a "it just doesn't look good" for us. This is a RP server, not a "Selling 50mil $1 a mil. PM me for my paypal. Buy now and get 500 pickup boxes" kinda server. I don't like having people shove IRL cash kinda stuff down people's throat. Why do you think I never advertise the shop? If people WANT to pay for things, they will go out of their way to look for it."


This is a subjective matter, Sugar projects himself as the new player to try to solve this issue. While this might be true for some players, I would have to remind you what Sugar really wants "I want people to play on the server for as long as possible."  I will make a metaphor so people understand what I mean. Sugar is the type of person to use an open-source software instead of a popular adware software, he looks for the more ethical way to do stuff. Sadly that is not how MOST people work, they'd rather use an adware software because the adware spent money on their GUI rather than a shitty GUI of an open-source software that works better. 


In the same way people might check how ethical TitsRP is and leave because they dislike that people sell money. But if I am projecting myself onto a new player, I would see opportunities instead because it would mean that the currency has value and if the currency has value that should mean there is value in the servers itself and it's activities etc... Majority of people are not like Sugar and they don't give as much brain power thinking about how ethical it is to sell/buy. 



4- "It takes revenue away from the server"


This is the most legitimate point he made. If selling/buying did affect significantly the revenue he gets to invest in the server, I would have to agree on the ban because not only this is ethical of him but also better for the server. I tried asking him for revenue stats but they were brief and unclear for the purpose I was seeking and because of the supporter rank and other factors that were added after the ban it would be hard to really know, if you do have any more relevant stats Sugar you can post them bellow.


There might be a way to implement a new system to sell/buy where the server also profits from but I have no suggestion yet for it.



These are the main arguments that Sugar makes. I will be addressing other arguments from other users. 


From @HIDDEN :Happy: : 

"allowing/supporting the sale of ingame items/money encourages players to seek profits instead of playing the game for enjoyment. If there is money to be made people will be willing to sit and grind for 20+ hours which causes numerous problems, especially with inflation and imbalance"


I strongly disagree with this, I know HIDDEN is the type of person I stated above who rarely base and usually RPs but people who "seek profit" find enjoyment in doing so. DarkRP has no correct way to be played. Some people like to RP for the fun of it some like to RP competitively and make money in the process. You can't force your playstyle onto others like that.


"just thought about this, but allowing darkrp to be sold for irl cash can also make raiders be directly stealing someones money making setup..."


That's exactly what made basing so entertaining and competitive, that is why in my opinion there was so many people basing/raiding. This is the trill that is lacking right now on the server, losing your entities doesn't mean shit right now. 


Most of your other points are critiquing how much money people are making while basing, inflation, imbalance etc... But if you refer to the stats of 2018 to 2021 you can see that this ban has arguably done the opposite and inflated it more. 


Props to @Jewannfor making good arguments in the post. I had similar arguments back then but almost everything said back then was speculation with no data. So I refrained from posting.


In conclusion I hope we can try to sort this out and find a common ground to implement something that benefits everyone. I enjoyed selling and it was a hobby of mine. I strongly think the gains outweighs the losses.


PS : I have some behind the scene info that the Devs are thinking/working of a system to implement to remove this ban. Hopefully it's true


Looking forward for your opinions :CoolBeans:


Edited by Zek
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Should've never been banned in the first place I think we should let it come back as coba said, if they want to grind all day then let them. People rarely cashed out and mostly sold darkrp and bought sweps with it. This will give players incentive to come back and grow out player base.

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1 hour ago, Zek said:

I strongly disagree with this, I know HIDDEN is the type of person I stated above who rarely base and usually RPs but people who "seek profit" find enjoyment in doing so. DarkRP has no correct way to be played. Some people like to RP for the fun of it some like to RP competitively and make money in the process. You can't force your playstyle onto others like that.


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1 minute ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

I might be more swayed towards thinking this was a good idea if it wasnt only the old, rich, and rpless players supporting this.

i also bet the combined value of all who support this is astronomical.



If the only thing keeping you from supporting something is that you dont like the people who also support, you are feeble minded

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1 minute ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

I might be more swayed towards thinking this was a good idea if it wasnt only the old, rich, and rpless players supporting this.

i also bet the combined value of all who support this is astronomical.



My fellow TitsRP Illuminati peeps, we've been found out. Take em out.

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