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Nerf forcetake


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This is a post that is being made out of mald. Nerf forcetake so that it doesnt take an entire stack at a time, instead make it take a set amount, so that if someone has 30 c4 in their inventory, someone cant just take all of them.

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i think that it would be better if you unshipmented an item that it acted like for instance, armor packs, chem barrels, food, and only takes 1 per drag or drop. Likely you don't want it acting that way if you dont have it in a box in your inventory. Instance being C4, if you drop it it drops all, if you drag it it drops all.

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-1. If you had truly valuable items that you don't want to lose, there's a reason why we have an item bank. You can also always go to your bank and start stockpiling your c4 and take out 10 to go raid or etc.
Not smart to carry your life savings with you in your back pocket in Chicago, so why would you carry all of your precious belongings on you when walking around in tits as a CC.
I also want to remind players that this has actually been nerfed before. Pre-2020, you could actually force take ANYONE on ANY JOB. It was nerfed to only allow people to Force Take people who are on CC's (Which is also a needed CC nerf.) This encourages players to not play as their CC, so the base jobs see more attention and you get a richer experience. Basically just play smarter, not harder. Start hoarding your stuff in your bank and you'll be fine.

EDIT: We also have item banks in every part of the map, not just spawn.

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Bank exists. Only can be force taken on a cc. Don't carry around big stacks of shit no one should have like 71 trisha's or hundreds of c4s of them we have a bank for a reason. Some items don't even drop in stacks like crafting mats.

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Yeah force take doesn't need to be nerfed. The only way to even be force taken is to be a cc, and if you have a cc its likely you have money. Just put 50-90% of all your raiding supplies into the bank. I do believe there needs to be a measure to stops friends from forcetaking each other though. -1

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4 minutes ago, Blue. said:

Basically all that needs to be said about this has been said, and I agree. Don't carry stuff you arent willing to lose, be more careful what you do on your CC, and keep most of your supplies in the bank.

What I do with bactas for example, I have like 400+ bactas in my bank and keep 20-50 in my inventory. That way if by chance those bactas get force took, its not a major loss.

+1 for some sort of prevention of force taking your friends, though how to do that is the real question.

Why do you collect bactas

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