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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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  1. please make the gates that go over the windows during cp lockdown unlockpickable as when lockdown ends the gates cover the windows
  2. add the screen in front of pd door that says whether bank is raidable
  3. make sewer lord faster than speed sweps
  4. give sewer lord armor on spawn
  5. give sewer lord someway to break down doors and props
  6. please give me my cannon back that I lost when I didn't know u couldn't take it out as sewer lord :(
  7. make nlr zones that only work for pd. by this I mean that a revolt automatically creates an nlr zone around pd if a cop dies anywhere in the map. this lasts until the end of the revolt. same goes with pd raids once bank starts countdown
  8. make cps that have died in revolts be unable to hit revolters (and arrest, non-lethal, handcuff, etc) and vice versa

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Make people immune to being shot with a non-lethal pistol in spawn.


Reason: Each day when I get on, I see multiple players either getting non-lethal or non-lethaling people. 


People usually say: "It's not non-lethal" and I have to walk through with them explaining to them that it can do damage (not too large of damage though) and it acts like a taser. 


Doing this can stop a lot of corruption in spawn at least.

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More unique types of money makers. Here are some ideas (for entities and such)


1. More printers

2. Things for Donators like better processors and printers

3. Make bitcoin miners more efficient

4. Oil Drillers, although these are well known, it would still be cool to have

5. A system for hobos that you can basically steal some money off of someone and they would know, you would have to try and escape

6. Tax for the buildings you own (bring back landlord and it will make sense)

7. Here is something I thought of myself. So what if he have a job where some guy or girl can create a stage anywhere on the map and get paid to rant about random stuff they don't like.




Now here are some job suggestions that I think would be nice


1. Add Ranting guy (as shown above)

2. Make a spy for rebels, like the undercover cop.

3. Someone who could hack Printers and Bitcoin Miners.


5. Make it so the CP know when an unauthorized person is walking past the second doors.

6. Make someone who could slip past CP doors (only if 5 applies)

7. Someone like Pulse from R6. They can detect heart pulses and possibly see peoples skeletons through walls from a short distance away

8. Someone who can detect things like home alarms and hack them so they don't work.

9. This one is a weird on. A wizard that can shoot watermelons at people and when this happens, the wizard levels up and becomes stronger. When the wizard becomes strong enough he can kill anyone for a short period of time but is also KOS by anyone.

10. A sniper for Rebels.




Here are some weapon suggestions that I think should be added.


1. Melon bomber

2. Taser

3. Elastic Restraint FOR A KIDNAPPING JOB

4. Kicking Swep (reduce damage)

5. Breaching Charge blast damage

6. Grenade thrower (for vip and costs a lot so we dont have mass rdm)

7. More CS:GO knives






no more

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Make the new inventory rarity thing editable in some way.


What I mean is that you start out with whatever rarity colors that Sugar chose but you have the option of editing colors of certain items in your inventory to color code it. This helps out with quickly knowing what item you're going to use without having to hover over them individually before since they have the same model in the inventory. example: http://prntscr.com/h9yet6

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Make the new inventory rarity thing editable in some way.


What I mean is that you start out with whatever rarity colors that Sugar chose but you have the option of editing colors of certain items in your inventory to color code it. This helps out with quickly knowing what item you're going to use without having to hover over them individually before since they have the same model in the inventory. example: http://prntscr.com/h9yet6


I +1 this, as someone who loves to organise their inventory colour coding would be neat.

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wiremod for vips pls


We’d have better luck suggesting sugar to make his own version of wire mod



While wiremod would be awesome to have, it's far too intensive on the servers resources. If we were to have wiremod on here 90% of the tools/programmable aspects would have to be blacklisted, so in the end it really wouldn't be worth it to add it in

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