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Believable Salmon


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Believable Salmon

  1. Yeah I made some stupid decisions that I regret deeply. One of my desires is to regain my staff position on TitsRP one day, which might not be for a while, but I am maturing, and feel as if the day I make a mistake like that again is the day I decide life isn't worth living. It still dwells in me whenever I think about the topic. I completely agree and take full responsibility for my actions during my demotion day, but I have no clear memory of ever noclip abusing and come to think of it, have never been reported or called out for it (until now obviously). Thank you guys for reading this, I was really worried about posting this and just reveiving a bunch of shit, which I would respect if that happened. I know i'm still not in the clear when it comes to not abusing, but once an abuser, always an abuser. But I will try my best to regain the trust of every player and staff member on TitsRP.
  2. Yeah so i'm gonna start playing Titties roleplay soon enough. I know it's been a while since I last even said a word, but I assure you I will log on at some point this year (2018). Anyways way back when we had old moderators, I was demoted and made a really bad, cringe, report on myself. Now originally I wasn't going to be demoted and asked to be, but that's not what this is about. When I got demoted I lost my VIP rank and i'm too lazy to actually gain the money back to buy it again, plus I want to save up for Custom Class stuff. Anyways I haven't gotten in back since my demote some time ago. Most mods / t-mods won't really understand what happened since there isn't a lot of old staff around anymore. But i'm simply asking for my VIP rank back. Side note: I didn't really know where to post this, it's been a while since I have posted anything, goodbye and thank you for reading. - El Bebe
  3. How do you know we actually scammed tho? you kinda just said it bro
  4. Here is a pick I got of a Modified gun
  5. More unique types of money makers. Here are some ideas (for entities and such) 1. More printers 2. Things for Donators like better processors and printers 3. Make bitcoin miners more efficient 4. Oil Drillers, although these are well known, it would still be cool to have 5. A system for hobos that you can basically steal some money off of someone and they would know, you would have to try and escape 6. Tax for the buildings you own (bring back landlord and it will make sense) 7. Here is something I thought of myself. So what if he have a job where some guy or girl can create a stage anywhere on the map and get paid to rant about random stuff they don't like. Now here are some job suggestions that I think would be nice 1. Add Ranting guy (as shown above) 2. Make a spy for rebels, like the undercover cop. 3. Someone who could hack Printers and Bitcoin Miners. 4. PLEASE ADD A DJ BACK 5. Make it so the CP know when an unauthorized person is walking past the second doors. 6. Make someone who could slip past CP doors (only if 5 applies) 7. Someone like Pulse from R6. They can detect heart pulses and possibly see peoples skeletons through walls from a short distance away 8. Someone who can detect things like home alarms and hack them so they don't work. 9. This one is a weird on. A wizard that can shoot watermelons at people and when this happens, the wizard levels up and becomes stronger. When the wizard becomes strong enough he can kill anyone for a short period of time but is also KOS by anyone. 10. A sniper for Rebels. Here are some weapon suggestions that I think should be added. 1. Melon bomber 2. Taser 3. Elastic Restraint FOR A KIDNAPPING JOB 4. Kicking Swep (reduce damage) 5. Breaching Charge blast damage 6. Grenade thrower (for vip and costs a lot so we dont have mass rdm) 7. More CS:GO knives no more
  6. So today I gave away 4 million $$ worth of Entities (printers, processors, etc) to poor players on the server. I'm aiming this at 1 kid that I gave almost all my money to. He was being raided a lot and had almost nothing in his base and had barely any more money left. So, he trusted me, an amazing raider and EX SERVER SCAMMER, to come into his base. Although I was planning on killing him and his friends (who are below the age of 12 btw), I felt bad for once. So, I didn't kill them and told them I would help them out by buying them every money maker on the server and upgrading it to the max along with other things. I dropped some money for them too. I went from 4 mil to 25k. Although I am now very poor and probably won't make a economy comeback, i'm actually happy I gave money away. I thought scamming was fun but giving money away is way better and heartwarming. So I encourage all the filthy rich players of TitsRP to just maybe give away 100k a day to someone in need. I have been doing that for a while and I would probably have about 50 mil if I haven't been. I have always wanted a CC of my own but to be honest, i'm glad to help. Hopefully this lowers me being known for scamming and just makes people happy for me. Oh and 1 last thing, I may be nice but frogs are ugly. Sorry booper, they are just ugly..
  7. How about adding food and drinks because I like stuff
  8. So this a thread of me talking about how Dolan and I are gonna sing All-Star by Smashmouth and then take down all of Roblox >:D. I don't know why I made this thread but if it gets 1000 views im sure Dolan will say 1 word or I will leak the video of him speaking to all of TitsRP!!!!11111 btw in 10 days im gonna go on the server and speak the Whole Bee movie Script. I hope to raise money for my New CC. I will sing all star, all of the bee movie script, and then get a new CC if sugar is kewl. kthxbye
  9. you know what I just realized? Sugar sounds like a geico commercial. "They fuck around for views to get paid. It's what they do" Switch to geico for 15% or more on car insurance. Its what you do
  10. What about Mixxed King and his YT gang? Ik what you mean but thats only a couple of the videos that people do on our server
  11. w...what??? Is this even a thing???
  12. Sugar this is a serious question. Why do youtubers hate us? I know lots of them just Mass Ar dee Em on DarkRP servers but this is the 2nd video if a youtuber with 100k+ subs being a minge on TitsRP. Sugar! What will we ever do!? VIDEOS (Skipped to 1:17) Only a couple have 100k subs
  13. If you havent seen this video then watch it now CUS PIXEL CAT JOINED THE SERVER! yey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9gVL1FPYR0 I mean he is bad and rdm's so ...
  14. I created this gang in my head, until there are enough members I will NOT add ranks.
  15. Henlo and welcome to the El... Gang! This is a gang that is committed to Raiding, Basing, and destroying everything else that matters! This is a new gang so we don't have any members at the moment (except for my friend) To apply please read the application format down below and I will try to reply ASAP! Steam name: In-game name: Hours on TitsRP: Current balance: Do you own a CC: Can you raid: Can you base: How will you help our Gang: Unique Qualities: Disadvantages:
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