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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Make it so you can move processors as staff when someone leaves.


Oh and add a command or something next to your health so see how much props you have.


Something like this:

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Make it so you can move processors as staff when someone leaves.


Oh and add a command or something next to your health so see how much props you have.


Something like this:


I would say you want a command for how many props you have like !propamount because most of the time you won't be using a prop counter on the HUD. It causes clutter most of the time!

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make no scamming a rule

I like most the of the rules in this server and I think this server doesn't have a lot of bullshit rules in them like other servers but with out this one rule it just rule it makes selling very annoying especially for items like blowtorches. EX: X decides to buy a blow torch and gives y the money for the blowtorch but then y keeps the money and doesn't give the money or the other way around x is selling printers to y and after he buys the printers and then upgrades it the buyer just kills him. I don't think its good for RP either the same way raiding inst good for RP

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Ruby" timestamp="1507325983"]

make no scamming a rule

I like most the of the rules in this server and I think this server doesn't have a lot of bullshit rules in them like other servers but with out this one rule it just rule it makes selling very annoying especially for items like blowtorches. EX: X decides to buy a blow torch and gives y the money for the blowtorch but then y keeps the money and doesn't give the money or the other way around x is selling printers to y and after he buys the printers and then upgrades it the buyer just kills him. I don't think its good for RP either the same way raiding inst good for RP


I mean, you can scam rp related things. You just can't scam non rp related things as in bases or cc's or anything that doesn't have to do with rping. It's already a rule that we have.

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I'd like the chemical engineer reagent buy limit to be removed or at least raised a bit. It's tedious and annoying to be making a large order of potions and having an ingredient get stuck under the map or be hidden somewhere because they're so small. I made 180 potions last night and this happened too many times.

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(post above me) 

 The Herbalist makes pots alot for people and he is really nice about it and very useful. And considering he makes so many potions eventually its going to happen... That one of the ingredients are going to glitch out because if you spawn them on top of the table they just glitch out and fly across the map and sometimes under the map.. When this happens you can't make any more potions unless rejoining the server. VERYY VERY annoying....

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(post above me) 

 The Herbalist makes pots alot for people and he is really nice about it and very useful. And considering he makes so many potions eventually its going to happen... That one of the ingredients are going to glitch out because if you spawn them on top of the table they just glitch out and fly across the map and sometimes under the map.. When this happens you can't make any more potions unless rejoining the server. VERYY VERY annoying....


Improve the chemical table overall I think is a high priority, the crafting bench works fine without materials flying all over so make the regeants not be accepted quicker into the table.


This is unnecerssarily annoying

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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people.


I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors.


Kind of a random suggestion bu

t i thought it was a good idea.

thanks so much for your time,


I agree with this but not the guns part people in real life go into theaters with guns all the time.

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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people.


I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors.


Kind of a random suggestion bu

t i thought it was a good idea.

thanks so much for your time,


I agree with this but not the guns part people in real life go into theaters with guns all the time.

That's fucked up talking about the theater tragedy

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