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Batman,the untouched.

Harley McStubbins

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Batman has currently no counter play other than "just fucking shoot him". I for one raid alone most of the time and its getting frustrating to deal with him.

-you don't know when he comes

-you can't pick lock his zip tie

-you can't escape from it,unless the time runs out

-not only that it incapacitates you but it also makes it very hard to see FOR SOME REASON


There are some things that can and should be done about it:

-gives us at least a small chat warning that hes coming for you(something like how the spawn of heck works)

-let us pick lock his tie(or if you feel creative give us something like hold e to cut zip tie)

-if we can move while tied,but can't interact with anything else at least remove the slow or dumb screen effect so we have a chance to shake whoever might still be shooting at you.


There have been other threads made on this issue and I feel like it should really bring in some change.The job has been around for a good while and it could really use some balancing.



Thank you for your attention. :heart:

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just get better at being bad


the guy doesn't even have guns 


stay to a base if you're a criminal doing criminal shit, like a real criminal would, Batman will have a hard time getting to you if you're in a defensive position (but for some reason 90 percent of the people in this server, no matter their job, hang out in front of the PD and then complain when they get ganked by Batman)

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You Said | My Response


-gives us at least a small chat warning that hes coming for you(something like how the spawn of heck works)

-Batman is supposed to be a sneak. He works in the dark type of shit so I don't think this would be a good thing to add for it in my opinion.


-let us pick lock his tie(or if you feel creative give us something like hold e to cut zip tie)

-Good idea. +1


-if we can move while tied,but can't interact with anything else at least remove the slow or dumb screen effect so we have a chance to shake whoever might still be shooting at you.

-I honestly think you being restricted for a bit is fine.


However, I think the picklock type where you can press E shouldn't be too long, it should be a little less than a normal picklock since you are fully vulnerable. Or simply take Walter's advice and move on..That works too.

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-1  Batman is fine he could even use a buff It's very hard to click people in just the right spot to hogtie them aswell you can't hogtie people while sprinting.


The main counter to batman is just being aware of your surroundings and the crimes he can hogtie you for 90% of the time that alone will stop batman.


This is also assuming it's just a single person 2+ people and batman is almost worthless.

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-1 most of the counter play in the game is just shoot them, Someone raiding you? Just shoot them, CP trying to Cuff you? Just shoot them, Being hunted by a bounty hunter? Just shoot them, Someone trying to kidnap you? Just shoot them. One thing i do agree on here is that you should be able to picklock the batman restraints, however as batman it is still very hard even with your batman hook gun to get someone restrained due to hitreg being bad. Also, one of his counters is just to be aware of your surroundings.

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