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RLS (Real Life Shit)

Succ The Zucc

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Anyone just get those moments when you're high but not high at the same time? Like, I don't smoke that dank kush but I get thoughts like for instance. This one time I had a thought on Bob Ross looking at my high school's ceiling tiles, and us Seniors get to paint one for a classroom of our choice. Thing is, I was so out of my mind that I was thinking that, what if someone had painted a picture of Bob Ross, painting a picture of Bob Ross painting on a ceiling tile. Boom Bob-ception, I told my friend that gets high all the time this and he thought I was baked out of my mind...anyone else get this way sometimes? Or is it just me?

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U imaginary things in your brain. They don’t have to be real for you to imaginary them. Iv heard you get faint effects of being high when your tired but I don’t know how tired you would have to be. 

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  1. the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
    "she'd never been blessed with a vivid imagination"
    imaginative faculty, creative power, fancy;

    • the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.
      "technology gives workers the chance to use their imagination"
      creativity, imaginativeness, creativeness;

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I was so fucking tired making this I forgot I actually fucking made this LMAO But seriously though, people be more creative when baked sometimes.

Yo legit though I for the next three weeks will be posting a weekly story time with Succ. It will be some funny fucking stories to tell guys, I'll still be replying to the thread here though since this is a different topic.

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