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Help a player out

It's cold in here(._.)

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Just a little idea for people with money to spare, I no longer really feel like just being a mediocre player who constantly just raids and shit. I feel like as a community we should begin helping newer players out, wether it be a small donation, help in a raid, or just emptying out your inv. Instead of being an ass who raids all new players, help em out, I feel as if together we can make TitsRP a more friendly place to join, I hope that this comes into action and I already started. See you!

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I agree to the fact new players should not be considered prey for back to back victimizing. Last night I found a new player based in the partially fenced corner of the park behind the bar/strip club. Homie had a meth lab, processor and unsilenced printer burning back there. Probably could have raided him with my fists. Instead I offered him some advice to find a place with a bit more protection and left him to his skid row base.


Essentially what I am taking from It's Cold's post is not that we start a welfare system for noobs, but more that we just play a little cooler with them.

If you raid a base with crocked props, no protection and a citizen panic running around the inside (probably with his keys out), kill him... Clean his printers/bit coins, etc, but consider not taking his loot, and really not just blowing it up to be a dick.

I have been on this server for like 3 weeks now, and found there are definitely players who can raid, bounty kill, rob you and still be cool! And then there is Lolita...


If you see a new guy on the street, break him off a gun, answer their questions and take a little time to give them some advice to help get going. Through the (continued) teachings of a few real cool players/staff, living here has become a lot easier for me!

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yesss yesss now everyone has fallen into our trap. We will over run the sewer with new players and take over this server with a coup de grâce. No one will suspect a thing... we already have rats in our staff team that no one knows about. The plan is working perfectly.... muahahahahaha


Hey guys whats up, yeah honestly I had some ideas on how to make it so new players would have a harder time getting raided if not can't be raided as if a dude with a 50 slot cc just breaching charges the door and then takes their printers, proc, and bitminer the only thing that would be left to do is drugs and no one knows how to do drugs.

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Just a little idea for people with money to spare, I no longer really feel like just being a mediocre player who constantly just raids and shit. I feel like as a community we should begin helping newer players out, wether it be a small donation, help in a raid, or just emptying out your inv. Instead of being an ass who raids all new players, help em out, I feel as if together we can make TitsRP a more friendly place to join, I hope that this comes into action and I already started. See you!

could have a grace period for new players

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